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And i was not saying it should have been a passing of the torch, just a no qualms job like HHH and Batista.


Pretend to not be remedial for a second and try to think about what you are saying. Triple H, the baddie, lost his feud to Batista to set Batista up as the new top babyface leading one of the brands. In your scenario, the baddie Bray Wyatt wins a feud with poster boy hero John Cena to move on to... A standard rubbish Bray Wyatt feud with Chris Jericho in the midcard. It achieves nothing except a sticky keyboard.

So are you saying no one goes over Cena? As theres no one to fued with after?

I do not get your logic? I did not say Wyatt wins to go on and feud with Jericho. I said if Wyatt won and was booked correctly he could gave been a big thing.

I do not get your sticky keyboard thing either? Is Wyatt an internet darling? This is the only wresling forum i read and Cena is the the darling on here.


Also....no need for the remedial comeback. Sorry for disagreeing with you, i guess i must be remedial.

The no qualms job thing was meant as a job done with no questions left to be answered.

Edited by Porkchopcash
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This current Demon Kane stuff is comedy fluff that belongs in midcard. 


It's essentially third from the top tomorrow, and it'd all be fine if they actually had Undertaker and Lesnar doing stuff in the main segments for the last month. But the Rollins-Kane thing has been the top TV feud, which is madness.


Audiences are being expected to laugh at the heel champion instead of see him as an obstacle for the Next Big Face to overcome. No one's going to be made by beating Seth.




At this point, it seems the intended outcome of Seth Rollins losing the title is to move towards Rollins vs Triple H. But that may as well be the title match at WrestleMania, because what else could be? Roman Reigns vs Sheamus isn't even a Raw main event. They've got their work cut out putting something together to fill (and entertain) that stadium.

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I wouldn't be surprised if the WWE Title match at Mania is Reigns vs Lesnar again but with Reigns defending this time around. Then you can do Rollins and Triple H in a non title match and Cena vs Undertaker as the other marquee match.

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So are you saying no one goes over Cena? As theres no one to fued with after?


I'm saying that when the lead hero suffers a loss, he will most likely regroup and get his revenge, because that's how narrative tends to work. Drago didn't kill Rocky. He killed Apollo Creed. If they've got a new Rocky, then Cena can move to the Apollo Creed role -- like at SummerSlam 2014 when they had a plan for a new hero.


I do not get your logic? I did not say Wyatt wins to go on and feud with Jericho. I said if Wyatt won and was booked correctly he could gave been a big thing.




Let's see if you get your logic: So when Bray Wyatt beats John Cena at the PPV in May or June, who does that big elevating victory propel him onto fighting at the next one? 


Also....no need for the remedial comeback. Sorry for disagreeing with you, i guess i must be remedial.

The no qualms job thing was meant as a job done with no questions left to be answered.




You're using an example of a heel putting over the new top babyface as a template for how to book a feud between the top babyface and the heel who is occupying him for three months. You don't seem to understand how those situations are very different, and that's only due to laziness or cognitive inability.

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One of the things that bugs me is how every wrestler seems to have tunnel vision, and only ever seem interested in the person that they are feuding with. I mean, I get that Reigns hates Wyatt, for example, but surely that shouldn't stop him from wanting a title shot at Rollins? It's not like he's ever paid him back for breaking up The Shield has he? Instead that issue has been totally watered down. It's a similar thing with Rusev, he only lost to Cena because of Lana, but he's quite content to piss about with Ziggler rather than try and get a rematch.


I'm probably explaining that badly. What I mean is that I don't get why even the top guys only really have one feud going on at any given time nowadays. The best periods in wrestling, for me, was when you had the likes of Austin, Hart, Michaels, Undertaker, Mankind, etc, at the top of the card, all with noteable issues with each other that were played up regularly. Michaels dropping the belt to Sid who then defended it against Bret, who hated Michaels, was infinitely more exciting than the current trend of trading wins for three consecutive PPVs before moving on to the next feud.

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I know what you mean, but I'm not sure the Shield example is the best one. Reigns and especially Ambrose do seem to be perpetually having a kind of simmering feud with Rollins. It's rare they go a month without interacting. I'm sure they've had matches on TV since the last PPV? With so much TV time, it's dangerous. Trying to do three feuds at once might stop the overexposure that each feud gets currently, or it might overexpose all three anyway. It was kind of accidental that they had it in 1997, a byproduct of Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels being bitchy arseholes and having to keep changing plans.


If Cena and Orton are out for the next couple of months, they're going to have to come up with some good stuff for Ambrose and Reigns after this PPV.

Edited by King Pitcos
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The Ambrose/Reigns friendship is one of the few examples of the writers giving guys a relationship beyond who they're currently feuding with. It's true though that the majority of the roster are scripted to have tunnel vision, where everything is geared towards who they currently hate, with no reference to anyone or anything else, past or present, unless they're in a faction.


You have to assume the countdown is on for Ambrose or Reigns to turn on the other. I feel like Reigns would make the better heel but I suspect it'll be Ambrose that turns, maybe as early as this week if they need something to spark interest and distract from Cena and Orton fucking off.

Edited by Supremo
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The sad thing is that Reigns will probably get booed over Ambrose. I like Reigns, and I love him as the ass kicker they've gone back to. He's the best example of someone being booed now and people legit not knowing the reason anymore because the reason (duhhhh he's not Bryan blarghhh) is gone. They boo him because it's cool. Having Ambrose turn for no good reason also is bollocks. Ambrose is a great face, turn him heel down the line when he has a legit reason to do so. Don't do it because Cena and Orton have to pop to the shops.

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They need to start over with Reigns and make the crowd love him again. The most simple is always turn him into the coolest heel on the roster, but Vince is busy playing with his virtual reality goggles or something. This Cena-lite stuff makes him come across as TNAs next top star, rather than WWEs. It's 2015 WWE though, so anything remotely different or risky isn't encouraged.


It's sad because Reigns' career has went exactly as predicted after he didn't beat Lesnar. Less over and in feuds that nobody is looking forward too. We've also been stuck with the never interesting Rollins stinking up the show as a rubbish champion.


On Cena, I actually think they've went too far the other way, this year, with making Cena lose to folk like Owens and being competitive with everybody in the middle. I personally hope Cena gets the big belt back soon and holds it for a while - at the very least until they have someone ready to do a job.

Edited by ColinBollocks
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They need to start over with Reigns and make the crowd love him again. The most simple is always turn him into the coolest heel on the roster, but Vince is busy playing with his virtual reality goggles or something. This Cena-lite stuff makes him come across as TNAs next top star, rather than WWEs. It's 2015 WWE though, so anything remotely different or risky isn't encouraged.


It's sad because Reigns' career has went exactly as predicted after he didn't beat Lesnar. Less over and in feuds that nobody is looking forward too. We've also been stuck with the never interesting Rollins stinking up the show as a rubbish champion.

Agree completely. I still like Reigns and I think he's doing a good job with the material he's given but it's Cena material. Reigns isn't a ten minute promo guy and never will be. Ryback is the same. A good writing team would be finding ways to get them across without putting them in that position. Everytime Reigns speaks as himself he's just a big, cool motherfucker. If they had a clue, they'd tap into that instead of trying to make him John Cena.


I don't get what they're trying to achieve with him. They backed off his big push because they don't want another Cena. But then they make him be John Cena. So now whenever they push him, he's still John Cena. So they might as well have just gone with him at WM? Or something.


The heel turn might sort him out but they'd have to avoid making him a coward. Or making it obvious they just want the crowd to cheer him. Commit to him as a kick-arse heel and the rest will take care of itself.

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I think it's super weird how they are basically trying to make Reigns into Cena 2.0. It's like they've forgotten that there are more than one type of main event babyface. If you look at the top babyfaces in WWE history in the past 30 years: Hogan, Austin, Rock, Hart, HBK, Cena, Batista...they all have incredibly different personalties and styles. But Vince doesn't seem to get that. They had a potential goldmine on their hands where they could of had two top babyfaces for the first time in ages and if presented correctly Reigns could have been the Batman to Cena's Superman. Sad.


And the 15 minute opening promo from the Champion is such a stale format. I don't think there's been an interesting one since CM Punk's title reign. I was listening to a podcast with the showrunner of Lucha Underground and he was saying how as he's from a reality TV background he always likes to have an exciting event happen every 60 seconds and how watching WWE drives him crazy because so little happens over large sections of TV time for example it'll be about 4-5 minutes into the show before anybody has even finished making their way to the ring.

Edited by LaGoosh
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