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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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Bloody hell, the kick off show? Remember when everyone was so excited about The Shield guys becoming the new generation of main eventers? They all look like right wankers now. They talk about the glass ceiling and the brass ring...it seems more like trying to run up a hill made of diarrhoea.

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I'm also furious that the horrible bastards didn't stick with the incredible Ziggler/Lana vs Rusev/Summer angle that we all loved so much.

Well if it has gone on for...shit, I don't even know, pretty damn long now, then we could at least get a better pay-off than TM bastard Z and Rusev losing a match to the guy who just lost the midcard title, getting no offence in 3 minutes. Pretty stinky from all angles this one.

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They didn't have to change the angle at all. It getting out on TMZ that Lana and Rusev were engaged shouldn't have made any difference whatsoever to what they were scripting on TV. It's 2015. Everyone knows what wrestling is. They understand that these people are just playing characters on a show. It becoming public knowledge that Rusev and Lana are a couple in real life is no different from it being public knowledge that Cena and Daniel Bryan are with the Bellas. That doesn't stop them from scripting Cena as a babyface, Nicki as a heel, with neither character ever interacting with the other on-screen. Plus, if this stuff does matter, and they want everything to be consistent both on and off-screen, then why the fuck is Dolph Ziggler hitting on Nicki Bella on Total Divas, yet is supposed to be in a relationship with Lana on RAW?


The only explanation I can come up with is that they're such marks for the mainstream press that once TMZ reported on them they couldn't resist incorporating it into the show, despite the fact that it made no sense whatsoever and ended up harming Rusev even more than this horrendous storyline already has.


Their handling of Rusev since Wrestlemania has been criminal. He's one of the most promising and talented guys on their roster and this dog shit writing team have done such a bad job with him that you'd be half tempted to think they're doing it on purpose.


Almost entirely what I was thinking watching this. Blowing off Ziggler and Summer Rae doesn't bother me, both fucking albatrosses, but the Rusez/Lana stuff ending without a pay-off is shit and just exasperates how fucking terribly things have gone for Rusev since WrestleMania. I know kayfabe is dead but to just shit all over your storylines makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.


I think Supremo's bang on about the reason. They'll fucking wet themselves that TMZ have picked it up and are prepared to admit it's all a load of shit just to take that modicum of publicity.


Speaking of fucking up a push or burying someone, it's just been announced that Ambrose & Orton vs. Harper & Strowman is the Kick Off match next Sunday.


Dean Ambrose went from main evening the show last year to being on the Kick Off show twelve months later. There's almost something admirable about that.


Another one they've done such a shit job on this year. Same for Reigns. His promo on this show was OK in content but it wasn't interesting enough to do in front of a live crowd. It was narration on a build up video at best. I'm not sure where I stand on acknowledging the crowd. It was fucking odd in the Cena match but they didn't have a lot of choice and they played it into the match nicely so got away with it. Acknowledging a "boring" chant, unless you're a heel, seems crazy. The feud is lukewarm and has rarely been anything but. Crowd chanting "Husky Harris" were hilarious though. Seriously. Really funny. Sad cunts.


Braun Strowman is fucking shit. Another plodding big man. Put Reigns in with Bryan, Cena, Rollins, Ziggler, even Lesnar and you'll get great matches. Put him in with Kane, Show or Strowman and you get really terrible Hogan-esque matches that make Reigns look like a ponce.


The rest was dire or forgettable. New Day are the only interesting thing on the undercard. If they weren't busy feuding with everyone, this show would be dead.


Rollins lost again.

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How low would ratings have to go before someone at USA Network pulled Vince and said "This aint good enough, sort it out", because the way they are sort of meandering along they are acting like they are pulling comfortable numbers of 3 or above, I don't get it, I don't see how they don't see it. I can't remember being this frustrated by WWE ever to be honest, they literally live in there corporate bubble with no concept of what the outside world is doing or thinking, not everybody can be wrong.


I mean the Speakerphone angle throughout the show was just insane to me, absolutely bonkers. Are they purposely producing shite TV, but why would they do that?? I am lost.

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The worst part about the Rusev/Ziggler/Lana/Summer-Rae angle was that we had to sit through that shit for months only for it to end just like that. 


The crowd were so poor too, fair enough the content is the same old shit but you could hear a pin drop during the show. 


Next Monday is meant to be a big one and setting the seeds for WrestleMania being in Dallas so hopefully things pick up fairly soon. 

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So long as people are buying the ad space, are USA Network really concerned with the ratings?

Probably, if they continue to go further down. Apparently the main reason USA want Raw is because they want to be known as the number 1 network in ratings (and Raw brings up their station average). Wrestling is utter dross when it comes to making money from ads, because the folk that watch it are poor backward trash.


I've now got a morbid curiosity to see how far they'll (WWE and USA) things slide before realising their product is worse than a 4pm handjob from a plumber. Be interesting to see how next weeks show with proper stars will do.

Edited by ColinBollocks
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