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to make the E the very best product it can be, every promo must feature Owens or Cena, and all matches must have Cesaro in them

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That promo turned Owens full-on face, in my eyes. I'm not sure what the intention was. To have a man's son not see how hard his father is working because of something he's on TV blinding him to it is pretty heart-breaking. And referencing the cancer girl once was like bringing up Hitler in a flame war - no one's looking good following that up. I know some have suggested this family business with Owens is a front, but, um, yeah. Odd.

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Didn't really think the Adam Rose reference should have made the cut either. Some writer fucking hates that poor bloke. Why would Cena think 'aye don't mind burying an active co-worker for fuck all'. Sorry those little digs always annoy me in wrestling.


Ambrose is brilliant, absolutely brilliant.

Edited by WWFChilli
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Was that not just a throwaway line during that 'Head The Ball R-Truth' period when he referenced the trailer to the new John Cena film by sarcastically shouting "I WAN'T MY SON BACK!" at the end of a tirade about Cena's barrage of merch, catchphrases and other shite or did it go deeper?

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The look on that girls face after cena pointed out her sign was amazing. This years been pure cena gold on the mic. Seems to me like he's trying to prove that it's still too soon to be shuffling him down the pack

Edited by Louch
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There was definately no need for the rose comment, especially after that documentary I felt theres something in promoting rose INA different way not burying him.


I thought the show was OK by recent standards, I'm flogging a dead horse when I say the third hour hurts them. Couldn't they use that for something else.


I liked the authority promo at the beginning, good to see Reigns get a good pop. Bad to waste that by having him wrestle 3 times. Enough has been said on the Owens Cena segment. Cena has upped his game this year. I wonder if he was as bored with the same opponents and top run stuff as we were. Seems to be having a blast in his new little world that is as important as but away from the main event. I was hoping for Owens when cena came out to let him say a few words max and then just wallop him out of nowhere. Seeemed strange to be he would just let cena say his piece


A lose what is with Or tons baby face walk to the ring, so cheesy. I can remember power slam writing back in 2012 he needed to do that and think it was total bs

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Cena/Owens promo was absolutely fantastic, everything else was the usual shite. Crap to see Big Show back to derail any slight momentum Ryback might have had gained from his title win. Crazy that they had the Bellas win with twin magic, when there's such a vast difference in their appearance these days, such lazy booking.


Rollins is such an afterthought as champ too.

Ryback pinning Big Show with Shell Shocked on the undercard of MITB should be okay filler, given the number of guys in the MITB match itself is probably going to be 8

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That was such a boring Raw. 


Reigns wrestling three times is truly horrific and boring. Even a gauntlet type match would have been better to get it all over with in one go.


I quite liked the idea of The New Day threat with the world title, enjoying their act but part of me would love to see Kingston win it and all three try to cash in on Lesnar only for him to mess them up. Wyatt would be my pick to win it if he can somehow get into the match, bring back the Wyatt Family and it keeps him ticking along until they are ready to pull the trigger. 

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