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It's not that bad. I was worried it would be like the skull crushing move done by the miz and jeff Jarrett which remains one of the dumbest moves I've ever seen - especially when the guy doing it is so small he cant even clasp his hands. It's like giving a finisher to yourself for the recipient.   

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Rollins really is the ultimate egomaniac asshole heel isn't he? I hate everything about him (in a good way) and the fact he is being presented as completely beatable by virtually anybody yet still sneaks away with the title will (in theory) make loads of people tune in when Lesnar comes back to smash the ever loving shit out of him.


I like the little 'Rollins snatches the microphone from HHH' bit too. I have a feeling The Authority are going to realise that they've created a monster who genuinely believes that he is the best thing since sliced bread and starts getting WAY too big for his boots, leading to HHH re-instating Lesnar to take out Rollins.

I'm glad they're holding off on Lucha Dragons vs Kidd & Cesaro - that could be a brilliant match.


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I like the little 'Rollins snatches the microphone from HHH' bit too. I have a feeling The Authority are going to realise that they've created a monster who genuinely believes that he is the best thing since sliced bread and starts getting WAY too big for his boots, leading to HHH re-instating Lesnar to take out Rollins.


I think instead of Lesnar, it could be an opportunity to turn Reigns heel by the Authority screwing Rollins out of the title, giving Reigns the belt and a heel turn that is so obviously needed.
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But what do you do with Rollins then? He's about a million miles from a face run, imagine he still will be in a few months, would leave him languishing like a spare part

Edited by mim731
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Probably the way wwe quickly change there mind I bet Rollins found out over the weekend it was banned so had to quickly come up with a new finish, might only be a temporary one til he gives it some thought they're not easy to come up with especially main event ones.


I like the idea of Reigns and Rollins switching roles

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It's pretty pitiful if they have indeed banned the Curb Stomp, however what if they're giving him a regular finisher to beat the likes of Ziggler but saving (and protecting) the Curb Stomp for when he faces the top guys. 


By making the Curb Stomp this 'last resort', devastating move, it will make him beating fellow top guys seem more realistic.

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I doubt it, why would the Authority go against their Golden Boy and mess him around?


I swear I've seen him finish matches with a superkick to a opponent on their knees, surely that would work if he brought that back? Especially if lead up from the Buckle Bomb which in a Kayfabe sense would be too shots to the head in quick succession, both looking brutal to finish off opponents. It is close enough to the Curb Stomp that you could have him hit Lesnar with 3 or 4 to fully keep him down too.  

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Really enjoyed Raw this week. 


For the first time in ages I actually enjoyed Kane and seeing him lose his temper gradually throughout the show, his interaction with Seth & Triple H was great throughout the show, wouldn't mind seeing him have another 'Monster' run before hanging up his boots, depending on how long the authority storyline runs and how long Seth is the centre of attention it would be great to see Kane fully turn on them and hunt down Rollins (by Summerslam you will have Orton, Brock, Reigns also chasing him). 


I don't know whether The New Day are just shit or doing the heel thing well but I can't stand them and for the first time in ages also I was glad to see Orton come out and RKO them after stealing the win from the luchas. 


Reigns did what was needed and just took out Dallas, same with Ryback actually, don't mind short squash matches/segments with these two as it suits them well. 


Hopefully the Miz/Mizdow thing has run its course now, but can't help but feel with Rae turning this will drag on another month. 


Orton RKO'ing everyone was actually quite fun, Seth's new finisher (assuming it is) doesn't suit him (this has been mentioned in the other thread). 


A good go home show with some comedy moments, short matches (always think these suit Raw well), Orton popping up everywhere and nothing being too far drawn out. 

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