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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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It has to happen sometime Vince passing the company down to Stephanie or Shane so why not make an angle out of it? I really cant understand what is so hard to understand, I'm sure I read it a while back on some wrestling news website that it was actually being considered within WWE.

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Sorry that's right I got that wrong but I still cant see what's so hard to understand about my idea. Obviously it wouldn't be as clean cut as signing a piece of paper there would be a lot of behind the scenes stuff going on prior and after the match to settle real business stuff.


Id be looking forward to the match and it would interest me anyway...

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That's the thing, though -- the change in direction seems to be a realisation that The Ascension wouldn't be convincing in that role. The little fella's been very miscast, and the two of them are fair shit. WWE failing to realise they were shit at the role for the last year (they've had Lego figures in production for months, which almost none of the other NXT wrestlers have, so they were expected to be a big thing quick) but then noticing it immediately after their Raw debut is the headscratcher.



I haven't read the Observer for a few years but I seem to remember quite a few stories about people in Creative being scared to give Vince bad news or disagree with him. It seems very likely that they knew The Ascension were shit, told Vince they were great, and are now having to backtrack when they bombed on RAW.


C-Rock - WWE's share price once dropped because investors believed that Vince had been murdered on International TV. How do you think Wall Street would react to the news that the company might change hands based on the outcome of a wrestling match? In fact I'm fairly certain that even attempting it would come under Stock Market Manipulation.*


Also, how on earth do you get something over as "real" in a worked sport? The actual fans have been burned by stipulations so much that they aren't going to buy into it anymore than they believe that Rowan and co are actually fired. Non fans might but they are hardly going to buy a PPV/Network subscription based on it are they?


*God, I'm a right boring bastard aren't I? No fun at all.

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That's the thing, though -- the change in direction seems to be a realisation that The Ascension wouldn't be convincing in that role. The little fella's been very miscast, and the two of them are fair shit. WWE failing to realise they were shit at the role for the last year (they've had Lego figures in production for months, which almost none of the other NXT wrestlers have, so they were expected to be a big thing quick) but then noticing it immediately after their Raw debut is the headscratcher.



I haven't read the Observer for a few years but I seem to remember quite a few stories about people in Creative being scared to give Vince bad news or disagree with him. It seems very likely that they knew The Ascension were shit, told Vince they were great, and are now having to backtrack when they bombed on RAW.


C-Rock - WWE's share price once dropped because investors believed that Vince had been murdered on International TV. How do you think Wall Street would react to the news that the company might change hands based on the outcome of a wrestling match? In fact I'm fairly certain that even attempting it would come under Stock Market Manipulation.*


Also, how on earth do you get something over as "real" in a worked sport? The actual fans have been burned by stipulations so much that they aren't going to buy into it anymore than they believe that Rowan and co are actually fired. Non fans might but they are hardly going to buy a PPV/Network subscription based on it are they?


*God, I'm a right boring bastard aren't I? No fun at all.



Imagine Vince telling his shareholders that he might be stepping down. "You'll have to find out when the fans find out. But I've got great confidence in the wrestler I've chosen to represent me so don't do anything daft and start offloading your shares just yet."

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Was is C-Rock that tried to take the shoes he was wearing back to the shop?


I believe that was ajmcstyles or something like that. Brilliant thread, may have to re-read it at some point.

Edited by Nick James
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