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Big E is a strange one. From what I have seen of him, he seems a funny and charismatic guy in real life, but the minute you put him on TV it falls to bits. This new promo style feels so forced and phony coming from him. It's weird to have a massive muscular black guy who just doesn't look intimidating whatsoever.


Big E cuts the worst promo in the entire company right now.

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Lana really is a triumph of a character- great promo work, great facials, great look. She's the best female character to come along in forever.


I agree, and it probably has something to do with her being a trained actress.


I've often thought that WWE could do with employing an acting coach as part of developmental.

Sure, these things to come easier to some people than others and not everybody would necessarily benefit but it might help some with their timing, character development etc

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I remember Rhino took acting classes when he was out after neck surgery, didn't do much good though as his only memorable promos or segments are still the ones in ECW when he was just swearing his head off and going on about Sandman's wife's minge


Couldn't do any harm trying it with developmental though, problem is they'll still end up all sounding the same as they're learning from the same acting coach

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Had Lana been knocking about on NXT for long before she was called up?did she wrestle before getting the Rusev gig?she's miles ahead of any other woman on the roster promo/acting (and also looks!) wise.

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Had Lana been knocking about on NXT for long before she was called up?did she wrestle before getting the Rusev gig?she's miles ahead of any other woman on the roster promo/acting (and also looks!) wise.


6 months.


Never wrestled on NXT, might have done house shows, but you'd assume she's been training.

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Decent enough episode, liked the Diva's tag match, was good having them actually doing stuff and trying to build a bit of character rather than it just looking like they've been told to go out and kill 5 minutes of air time


RVD and Orton are now officially my two least favourite wrestlers, been a fan of both of them in the past but the moment RVD's music kicks in I instantly press fast forward on the Sky remote, Orton's not so bad but his TV matches are the same thing every week, delivers on PPV to be fair


Actually speaking of Orton, I remember a thread on here about a year ago asking who we'd each get rid of out of the business, I put something like Orton but a heel turn will freshen him right up, well he turned heel and he was boring as fuck again by about Survivor Series, definitely not all his fault but as daft as it sounds a few months out with a minor injury might be the best thing for him long term, they're obviously never going to give him a decent amount of time off otherwise


Bret's segment was decent for what it was, least he got a decent ovation (which was never really in doubt to be fair), reckon Sandow should win the IC title battle royal at Battleground, he's the only one who'll be improved by winning it, anyone else it'll just stamp "midcard" on them

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I loved Bo Dallas this week.


His over the top victory celebration is great normally, but after defeating a midget it was even funnier.


Even better though was the way he plowed through Torito when doing his lap of honour. Loved that.


Bret Hart's line after smacking Sandow was great too.


I've always liked matches where more than one storyline is involved, so really liked the way the Divas tag match went.

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