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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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Nice touch of Barrett using the Bulldog's theme after his promo. Was that German commentator, Carsen Schaefer, the guy that done the ring announcing at both the Raw episode in Germany when the European title debuted and the One Night Only PPV in Birmingham?


I enjoyed the fact they embraced Barrett being in his own country and didn't make him do a forced promo to try and get over as a heel. I hate it when they do that, just embrace the fact he'll be cheered.

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Alicia Fox was good craic again this week,fairly dull show otherwise I thought.


Crowd were great though,just up for a laugh as opposed to smarky Americans trying to get themselves over like what will happen in Chicago.

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Does anyone know if there were any try-outs beforehand?


No live matches before the crowds. The last few UK tapings, they did the tryouts during Tuesday daytime before the tapings, behind closed doors.


I don't know this next bit for certain, but I'd imagine that many of the UK wrestlers that were part of Rose's entourage likely received a tryout earlier today. An educated guess, plus none of the wrestlers involved started tweeting about their experiences until this evening, which would suggest they were 'busy' earlier today, and I'd imagine their phones were 'blowing up' from all the messages.

Edited by ClassicsGuy
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Paige losing in London (first televised loss on the main roster) was depressingly predictable. As if that couldn't have waited another week to set up the inevitable match between the two at Payback, that they already gave away was going to be taking place after last weeks incident?


In general, it was a lacklustre episode. I really don't care for "Beat The Clock" as some matches don't get a finish and those that do, by nature, are short and unsatisfying. I suppose RVD still gets a good reaction so he will do a decent job adding to Bad News' credibility the way he did for Cesaro at Extreme Rules, but I was still pulling for Ziggler in his match with Mizark (who has lost his way, a bit) just because as a guy that both excites me sitting at home and draws a good level of noise from the crowds I see on telly, I think he deserves better than he's currently getting. I think it's a case of backstage shenanigans getting in the way of a once-promising career yet again. I went to the house show at the NIA on Sunday and he sells a fuckton of t-shirts, at least over here, so I find it disheartening that he gets treated as a JTTS over and over again. Someone can be an arsehole, but if they get people to make noise AND shift merchandise... you push them, right? You've got an asset, make money off it, yeah? And as good as the t-shirt sales might be... they'd be better if the wrestler won more matches and was actually on the PPV??


Setting up the Sheamus v Cesaro match must also be another step in the gradual Sheamus heel turn, as taking the belt from Ambrose (and subsequent heelish promo) was, because he will face a distinctly mixed crowd reaction fighting Cesaro at Payback by virtue of the latters enduring popularity. The Heyman partnership at this point must surely only be a short-term deal, because if they had any designs on keeping Cesaro a heel long-term, he'd have stopped performing the crowd-pleasing giant swing, preferably with a promo telling the fans why he wasn't doing it any more, or perhaps teasing it in his matches only then to do the "up yours" motion and apply a Boston crab instead. Is a heel, still wrestles like a babyface. Huh.


Good to see The Shield get the upper hand on Evolution again. The elimination nature of the rematch at Payback suggests to me that they will once again use the match as a vehicle to put Reigns over, likely winning the match from a 2-on-1 disadvantage. In the event that they do take the title off Danny Bry, I wouldn't be against that match being changed to a Six-Pack Challenge for the title, enabling an Evo member to win the title and build to a title shot for Reigns at SummerSlam, because it would be a change from the usual "Cena v baddie" scenario. Speaking of Cena, my stream died during the entrances of him v Harper, and I couldn't be bothered refreshing, so went to sleep, because I knew what was going to happen. I've lost interest in Cena v Wyatt, partially because they've done everything I think they can do with the story and in the ring, partially because I hate Last Man Standing matches, partially because I'm worried what happens to Bray after Cena inevitably beats him at Payback.


Apparently one of our taxi drivers told Lawler that Bulgarians are absolutely despised by British people because they're taking our jobs then eh? Christ.


Problem is, I don't think that's Lawler being a moron, so much as him genuinely repeating what he heard.


There's two types of Taxi Driver. Racists and bloody foreigners.



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Yeah I can really take it or leave it at the moment. In all seriousness, the best thing about WWE since WrestleMania has been the feud between Hornswoggle and El Torito.


That's been a ridiculously entertaining feud, for what it is. 3MB are golden as low-card heels, although I still like my idea of tossing 2/3 of them into an expanded Wyatt Family*.


*This is a horrible idea, but I only really enjoy horrible ideas.

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Quite like Alicia Fox going crazy every week too.


Will be extremely glad when Evolution/Shield feud is done.I'm sure the match on Sunday will be another cracker,but the way they've handled the storyline has been absolutely shite.Just the same old beatdown/pose on ramp or in the ring to end every Raw for the last month or so.

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