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I swear there is not one single line, crease, or wrinkle on Batista's head.


He seems to have the fire and passion and really enjoyed his return. Not sure if the Batista-bomb is now officially modified to being jacknife-style rather than sit-out style, or if he was taking it easy because it was his first night back and he was wearing skinnies.


Another good show in front of another good crowd. Long may that continue. :thumbsup:

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Yeah I read a report that Batista was "looking his age facially", I didn't see that at all. Odd fashion choice though with the white jacket and skinny jeans. He did seem legitimately excited to be back, which is a big plus.


Enjoyed most of the show, although the ending was a little jarring with Orton and Cena, not entirely sure what they were going for there. Given that it's a traditional match, Cena will need to harness his anger in an unnatural way, ala' Orton/HHH at WM25. Also, Lesnar will really need to destroy Show at the Rumble, he's been made to look exceptionally weak.


Liked Bryan's promo and the addition of Bryan/Wyatt at the Rumble. Bryan better still be a Rumble match participant though.

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He seems to have the fire and passion and really enjoyed his return. Not sure if the Batista-bomb is now officially modified to being jacknife-style rather than sit-out style, or if he was taking it easy because it was his first night back and he was wearing skinnies.

He used to sometimes do the jackknife for angles, so it's wait and see for now I guess.

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There's alot of big names that need squeezed on to the WrestleMania card, you not think the the other main-event could be a 3 way or fatal four way? That way everybody gets on the card. I can see something similar to WrestleMania 16 with a McMahon in each corner more so because they Authority storyline seems to be continuing, Vince could return as a face and to battle Triple H/Stephanie and be in the corner of Daniel Bryan, Shane could make an appearance and be in the corner of Bigshow and Linda could have Ryback or some one. Have the stipulation which ever McMahon wins gets sole ownership of the company or something like that, have Hogan come out and help Bryan win and thus save WWE from the Authority.


Or a six-man with Stephanie and Shane in the heel corner Triple H/Wyatt/Kane vs Bryan/CM Punk/Bigshow with Vince in their corner again with the above stipulation and again Hogan comes out to make the save and help faces win or a bigger suprise helps the heels win.


Or Bischoff could return with Sting and be in his corner, Heyman in the corner of Brock and Vince in the corner of Taker playing off WWE vs WCW/ECW. That's probs least likely to happen but the 30th wrestlemaina seems to round a number for the stake of ownership of WWE not to be on the line in one of the matches.


That leaves Cena/Orton/Lesnar/Batista for the main-event.

Edited by C-Rock
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You'd have thought by now Kofi Kingston would realise the only way for him to get ahead is to do something evil. Even R-Truth managed it a few years back and got a PPV main event title shot out of it, and a tag match against The Rock. Kofi should have lured Cena in, doing what he did, then push Orton out the way and kick Cena right in the mush. Give Kofi a decent Rumble showing and keep him simmering past Mania and there you go, a brand new heel for the future. Just something different would be nice. Even the kids must realise "bloody hell, he really doesn't have much ambition does he?"


Anyway, we have the next big storyline to last us the summer - who gave Randy Orton a lift home?

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Fucking hell, I forgot about that.


Cena ran in and cost Kingston the match getting him DQ'd.


They had basically three options of what to do with Kofi at that point:

1) Have him get pissed off with Cena

2) Have him disappear off camera and say no more about it

3) Have him stood beside Cena & Orton while they are brawling, cheering on the guy who just cost him his match while he kicks the ass of the guy Kofi was trying to kick the ass of.


They went with option 3. :bored:

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I think that's over thinking it abit really. Kingston was basically stood by and was happy to see Cena get revenge on Orton following Orton twatting Cena's dad the previous week.


I'll agree though Kingston is dull as dish water. His character is so generic and having a slightly above average match each week isn't going to get him anyway. He's needed a complete change of direction for years now.

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Wins and losses don't matter, for the most part. If someone in WWE loses this week, he'll get a rematch next week. And there'll be another the week after that, regardless of who wins. Your mate getting his hands on the bloke who battered his dad is more important than the result of a willy-nilly match.


Kofi vs Orton was much better this week than last, because it didn't go on for about a fortnight. Cena and Orton's brawl was pants.


Batista's head looks weird, he needs some kind of beard on the go. He's really not much of a talker, either. I watched his documentary and a few other bits and pieces yesterday to get hyped up for his return, and it had the opposite effect. The return itself felt a lot smaller than it should have, too. Cracking outfit he had on, mind.


Daniel Bryan and Bray Wyatt were very good. Big Show and Brock Lesnar were fantastic. The way Show throws Brock around is a new dynamic for a modern Lesnar match. I'm quite looking forward to it.


I like Naomi on Total Divas, but as a wrestler, she's fucking useless. Possibly the worst on the roster. She can jump about reasonably well (but nowhere near as well as the moves she tries to do suggest), but her transparent "running to the next spot" amateurishness is appalling for someone who has been in WWE for four years. She looks like she's in a training match.

Edited by King Pitcos
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So Daniel Bryan's not even in the Rumble? That's a bit shit.


I personally think Bryan is going to be in the Rumble and will end up the winner, Unless Michaels is coming out of retirement then Bryan surely has to be in the title picture at Mania. They could easily do Batista/Orton as a midcard match which is way more appealing than having it main event the show for the title.


Bryan and Wyatt were both excellent on this show again, Wouldn't surprise me either if Bray gets a win at the Rumble between the two.


Was cool seeing Big Dave back but even after one show I definitely think the guy is better as a heel.


6 Man tag and Rey/Del Rio were both pretty decent.


Those Rumble videos were excellent, its about time they produced some new ones with some new stats, its felt like they bring the same one out for the past 4/5 years now, but these ones were really good.


Really hyped for the rumble, lots of storyline and questions to be answered, who will win the title match?, what will Lesnar do? Punk has number one, The Shield interaction, The whole Bryan thing, Batista's return and the excitement of some possible mystery returns.

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That's Batista. I remember he was interviewed by (I think) Bryan Alvarez once and he asked him "where did you get those whacky clothes when you were a heel" and Big Dave was like "oh, my wardrobe". I love him for it. He admits he's an overgrown child, who collects toys he could never afford when he was a kid, buys cars that he doesn't need, did an MMA fight just to say he did it, wears mad clothes because he doesn't give a fuck and shags whoever he likes. He's a great man. He's a bloke who got rich later in life, and is just having it. I love him.


He has a fucking nose ring in his mid-40s. That isn't trying to impress anyone. That's him not giving a fuck. He's a great man. Although, he does look like a Ninja Turtle without the hair. He really needs the stubble back.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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