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Game of Thrones - Season EIGHT (No book wankers)


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  • Awards Moderator

I got aggressively bored watching Arya this week. There is nothing they could do to make me care about whatever the fuck she's playing at.


Good episode though, I enjoyed it and the hour flew by. Didn't expect to see Dorne again, so that was nice, Cersei and Jaime's scene was good, I'm glad Brienne found Sansa, and I expect the Castle Black stuff will be good as the season goes on.


Shame about Daenerys' ships though. She's really not getting to Westeros anytime soon, is she?

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It is remarkable how the Nights Watch/The Wall bits went from being the most boring stuff in season 1 to gradually as the show going on being easily the most interesting and exciting now we're in season 6.

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That one Dornish daughter has somehow gotten even hotter so you'll never hear me talk shit about them. Arya's gonna turn into Daredevil aint she? This season will be about her training to become some blind ninja but we won't get a pay off till much later.

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I kinda expected them to give her her sight back eventually after watching yesterday; that this was just them fucking with her as part of her training.


I totally forgot about Brienne until you mentioned it Harmo. It was good to see her back in the fold. I look forward to her playing Arnie to Sansa's John Connor; I think they could have a good dynamic. I like Sansa as a character much more these days than I did in the first few seasons (I do get that we had to see the slow evolution of her character though, of course).

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  • Awards Moderator

Yep! Three minutes I'll never get back.


I kinda expected them to give her her sight back eventually after watching yesterday; that this was just them fucking with her as part of her training.

I think they probably will, but it'll just take forever and ever and ever to get round to it.

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If, like me, you've forgotten a bunch of what happened (I binge watched all five series last April and then had the same year-long wait as most viewers) there's a decent summary of where things stood at the start of the new series at the top of the page at http://gameofthrones.wikia.com/wiki/Season_6


Seems to be non-spoilery and there aren't any details on what happens/happened in the new episodes until way down the page below all the cast and production notes.

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I get an underlying feeling the religion around the Lord of Light may start coming into it's own more and more as the season goes on. Melisandre needed that old dame trick to prove she's not all shite, it's been yonks since she gave birth to a killer shadow and all the shit she's predicted with Stannis has gone tits up, showing she's a ropey old bird that can turn into the fittest lass in GoT just makes us believe a little bit more.


Really hoping a message has gone out to the Brotherhood Without Banners, I really liked that group and their links to the Lord of Light with Paul Kaye's character and firey swords and shit would be a belting fit.


Team Sansa could be a decent ragtag little group (something GoT does SO well) Brienne being epic as per norm, and Theon being a well trained swordsman (although no longer in 'that' way) could bring some decent fights but where the fuck they'll head off to I have no idea, I take it no sod at this point knows Jon Snow has croaked it, so a mass meeting at The Wall could be the conclusion of this series. I love the Bran arc (Me and my Dad being the only ones) and a supernatural kickass Bran returning to the wall Warging his way into Thorne and making him stab himself through the eye with a hot poker or something would be grand.


Daenery's can fuck off now, not really interested in her boring plodding along. Get your army sorted out, get your dragon's back in tow, let Tyrion fucking ride one too, and go and burn the fuck out of King's Landing to take the throne back already. That 8-Bit mock up of GoT from a few years back summed her up to a tee, walking about bastard moaning on her high horse all the time, bored.


Episode 1's always fall flat with GoT, as they are more an overall tease to the future arc of the show, so looking forward to it picking up a bit of pace.

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This season will be about her training to become some blind ninja but we won't get a pay off till much later.


I'll be stunned if her end game isn't sneaking into Kings Landing while every other fucker alive is shitting themselves ready for White Walkers VS Everyone Else and assassinating Cersei.


Thoros to show up next week and talk Mel through bringing Jon back. Then all the girls in my office can go back to leaving snail trails on their chairs every Tuesday.

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