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Game of Thrones - Season EIGHT (No book wankers)


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I still don't believe The Hound is dead. We never actually saw him die. He was very badly hurt, but he's supposed to be a bad ass tough mo'fo so I think he's still alive and will pop up to help Arya at some point for a full on face turn.

I'm hoping for this to but he is fucked, he was left in the middle of nowhere half dead from the beating. I don't think he's coming back.


Selmy was a legendary badass wasn't he? Jamie and need both said they couldn't take him. I will be sad if he died like that

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Recorded the 2am showing of this week's episode and just finished watching it. I'll put thoughts in spoiler tags since the 'proper' showing on Atlantic hasn't been on yet.



Bloody hell, that final bit with Jorah and Tyrion was cool! Terrifying, but cool. Poor Ser Jorah :-(


And Barristan is definitely dead :-(


Other than that I felt this week's episode was a bit of a non-event. We're halfway through the season now and Dorne's only been in it twice, which is a shame... I think everything other than the finale part and the Meereen scenes was in the North this week, and it all felt like set-up rather than things actually happening - the wedding, Stannis marching, Jon going to see the wildlings again, etc.


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It seems to be building to Stannis nearly losing the battle of Winterfell, only for Jon Snow and a wildling army to arrive and get stuck into them.


I want to see Jon take Ramsey's head clean off.

Edited by d-d-d-dAz
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That's a point actually.


I don't read the books, but based on vague snippets of chatter I've heard I think Kit Harington is far more valuable to the TV show than Jon Snow is to the books.


So whether it has happened in print or not, maybe we get a situation where Jon Snow helps Stannis take Winterfell, leaving Lady Sansa as the Lady of Winterfell. Brienne can't contain her rage and murders Stannis, and his army rally behind the North. Sansa can stay at home whilst Jon marches on the south in search of vengeance.


Also, there was an interesting bit of dialogue between Stannis and his wife the other week, that I only caught second time around. They are watching Jon train a young lad and she says 'you're fond of him. He's a bastard. The bastard boy of Ned Stark and some whore', to which Stannis replies 'perhaps...but that wasn't Ned Starks way'.


Originally I thought he may turn out to be Robert and Neds sisters bastard. But why would Ned have to lie to even his wife about that? Everyone knows about Roberts ways, and as long as Cersei didn't know who gives a shit?


Then, and I'm rambling now, I remembered the other week Littlefinger and Sansa talking in the crypt and Sansa says about Neds sister being kidnapped by Rhaegar and raped and murdered. Littlefinger didn't seem to like that version of events but, either way, consensual or not, imagine they had a kid? A little Targarayn-Stark? Ned would have jolly good reason to fear anyone finding out about him. Especially Tywin, who ordered all Targarayn kids murdered in their beds.


So yeah, that's what I think. I think.

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Then, and I'm rambling now, I remembered the other week Littlefinger and Sansa talking in the crypt and Sansa says about Neds sister being kidnapped by Rhaegar and raped and murdered. Littlefinger didn't seem to like that version of events but, either way, consensual or not, imagine they had a kid? A little Targarayn-Stark? Ned would have jolly good reason to fear anyone finding out about him. Especially Tywin, who ordered all Targarayn kids murdered in their beds.




This is what I think too. Jon Snow isnt Ned's son he's Lyanna and Rhaegars son. I dont know exactly how we get to the point of that reveal but I defo think thats the way its going. Sansa's story is a bit shit right now and her character is all over the place, weak one minute then strong and manipulative and now shes weak and worried about the Boltons even though she knows Winterfell is full of Stark loyalists. And my money is on Theon/Reek murdering Roose at the wedding and then Ramsey killing Theon.


And I dunno if everyone has forgotten about Rickon and Osha but I think the writers are gonna be really lazy and BOOK SPOILER 

Have them as the Winterfell Ghosts




And lastly Barristan being killed just so FUCKING GREY WORM and Missandai can have a romance is bollox!! 

Edited by Bugsey713
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I'm loving Theon is his absolutely cracked psyche. The wife feels sorry for him whereas I think he's got exactly what he deserved.

Would've preferred the episode to end as Tyrion got dragged down into the waters to leave the episode on a cliffhanger, but that's just a minor quibble

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I posted a theory in one of the previous seasons threads, in which I speculated that Jon Snow was somehow of royal blood and was never really Ned's bastard. I'm not an up to date book reader either (I'm half way through the first book at the moment), but I've felt this way about Jon for a long time.


Way back in episode 2 of seasons 1 Ned and Jon come to a cross roads when Jon is heading to The Wall and Ned to Kings Landing. They have a little embrace and Ned tells him that when he returned, he would tell him who his mother was. Ned also got really defensive/dismissive when King Robert was asking about the whore who mothered Jon. Ned can never tell Jon what happened now, and it would have seemed that the plot point would have died there. But in my experience, threads like this are left for a reason, and there surely must be more to it. 


My thinking always hinged on the only way we would ever know is if somehow Jon Snow and Melisandre's paths ever crossed, because she has an ability to sense royal blood. Those paths have crossed, and she seems pretty keen on Lord Snow for whatever reason. I reckon there is practically no chance now that Jon is really Ned's bastard. 

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In that scene Robert seemed to have known who Ned's mistress was didn't he but he couldn't quote recall. Also, I'm sure Ned would have confided in his wife rather than her think he was a slag.


That said, it would be a pretty cool scene if Jon was face to face with a fire breathing dragon and was impervious to its fire.

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Maybe the secret was so important that Ned had to have Catelyn think he was a slag rather than the truth coming out and his family being put at risk?


I wonder if Ned's brother knew anything about what went on. And if Jon might finally find him when he's up north with Tormund recruiting wildlings.


Well, I say 'finally'... they kind of gave up looking for Ned's brother a few series ago...

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And I dunno if everyone has forgotten about Rickon and Osha but I think the writers are gonna be really lazy and BOOK SPOILER 

Have them as the Winterfell Ghosts




And lastly Barristan being killed just so FUCKING GREY WORM and Missandai can have a romance is bollox!! 



This is thread is for the TV show only. Yes there's been lots of changes from the books but so what? Leave this type of stuff for the other book nerd thread.


Here it is: https://ukff.com/topic/130068-game-of-thrones-book-thread/page-41

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