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Game of Thrones - Season EIGHT (No book wankers)


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I love the music in the series. Will always have a spot on the iPod for it. You can get this series' Six soundtrack on the major streaming/digital outlets, and a physical release of it comes on July 15th.


I did love the Light of the Seven piece though, reminded me of Rammstein's piano arrangement of Mein Herz Brennt

Edited by WyattSheepMask
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The thing that makes the timelines stick out is the fact that they don't change costume. Jaime comes all the way back from the Riverlands and Cersei has the same dress on all the time. Blowing up the Sept of Baelor is a mornings work. The ride from Riverrun to Kings Landing is 750 miles and would take in the region of 70 days. During all that time it seems Cersei only wears one dress.

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The most obvious answer is the timelines are spread out, what your seeing is weeks rather than days apart (think Empire Strikes Back, Luke is with Yoda for weeks as are Han and Leia. we just only see the important parts)

I've been saying this for weeks in discussions and it's like i'm banging my head against a wall.

There maybe multiple stories being shown in one episode but it doesn't mean they are happening on the same day.

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It's frustrating though. They cram a bunch of good stuff in to a nonsensically short timeline, and don't show things on screen that I'd like to have seen, yet they waste endless amounts of time on things that bore me terribly. If you look across the whole season and timed the amount of screentime that Bran, Sam and Arya got you could definitely have made a lot of cuts. So much of it was completely inconsequential, particularly the stuff with Bran. Total waste of time.

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The Bran stuff hasn't been a waste though. Without Bran you couldn't set up the Night King killing off the Three Eyed Raven, and the death of Hodor, and the return of Benjen Stark. The little line about the Wall having magical spells in its foundations to stop the dead from passing is important. As things stand the Night King can have as many wights as he likes, they can't pass the Wall. Obviously the Wall is coming down at some point, but without Bran you don't find out why it's important that it does.


Throw into that, without Bran you don't find out that Jon Snow isn't Sansa's half-brother, he is actually her uncle, and not technically a Stark. Without Bran you don't have any of that. So while it may not be your cup of tea Chest, it is fairly important.


Sam can Fuck right off though.

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He's her uncle? I thought he is her cousin - Ned's sister's son? Who is his Dad?


And there was still plenty of time wasted that could have been cut with Bran. The stupid flashbacks went on forever over many episodes. Benjen and Hodor are irrelevant, and that line could have easily been worked in in some other way.

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