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Game of Thrones - Season EIGHT (No book wankers)


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the books are worth a read, but you can skip large chunks of it.


As an example, the overall story is very good but you'll get several paragraphs of "and then he walked into the room, and he wearing a golden doublet made of the finest....etc etc." which goes on for aaaages. Every minute detail about what the people are wearing/eating/smelling, which you can pretty much skip past once you realise there isn't anything important until somebody starts speaking.

Sounds like American Psycho, which has about 3 interesting, readable pages in a sea of shit lists of what people are wearing and eating. At least in that, it was ostensibly to satirise the yuppie obsession with material things. In RR's books, presumably it's just masturbatory world-building?

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Heh, I was thinking of American Psycho when I read that post too. Trust me, the Thrones books don't go into anywhere as much mundane detail as that book does and at least the detail actually contributes to the story. American Psycho is around 80% describing the shoes some bloke in an upmarket restaurant is wearing. Yet I still love reading it.

Edited by PunkStep
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I loved American Psycho; thought it was a fantastic book.


All the description bollocks works because it's all in Patrick's voice, and that's the point of the book and the key difference I think (I say I think, because obviously I haven't read the GOT books, so correct me if I'm wrong).

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Did you ever have to put the book down for a bit, because some of it got a bit...errr...graphic? I used to read it on my commute and on a few occasions just had to stop reading it and take a break. I'm not someone that would normally be affected by something like this, so I think that's saying something. I mean, the rat chapter...

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Often whilst reading the book, I laughed out loud whilst reading that on the train. And then I felt bad for laughing and wondered what people would think of me.


The bit about feeding Evelyn the urinal cake is one of the funniest things I've ever read. I was gutted when it didn't feature in the film.


The rat bit was pretty grim though. I don't remember if I laughed then, but if I did it was probably as a defense mechanism / out of shock.

Edited by Chest Rockwell
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The fourth was a terrible slog, but then I read Dance which was ample reward. Kept piling on the "oh, shit."

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Just for you non book readers, the "fat pink mast" reference I made earlier was how George RR Martin describes Sam's cock. Yes there is a brutally graphic description of the Sam/Gilly sex scene. He sucks milk out of her tits while she wanks him off. It's fucking rancid to read.

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In stark contrast, pun intended, to Cersei's dalliances with Lady Merryweather, which were a joy to one-handedly read.

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Just for you non book readers, the "fat pink mast" reference I made earlier was how George RR Martin describes Sam's cock. Yes there is a brutally graphic description of the Sam/Gilly sex scene. He sucks milk out of her tits while she wanks him off. It's fucking rancid to read.


Book wankers.

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