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It's the same school year, but some left after year 11 whilst some stayed on one year for NVQ (or something) and some stayed for 2 years to take their A-Levels.


It’s supposed to be the class of a particular year, so that when you meet for the reunion you catch up and what you’ve done since leaving. Not, “I don’t recognise you, who are you? Oh, you were two years above me? Ah, well that explains that then.”

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Why did Mark Zuckerberg even bother?


I've got a massive problem with things like that. I've never been convinced that soldiers should be hero worshipped. 

My Dad was in the Welsh Guards for 6 years but he openly admits he joined up because he had no job prospects and wanted to join up with some of his mates and see the world. He gets more wound up about this kind of thing than I do.

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I went to my school reunion by accident whilst on a pub crawl. Wankers didn't invite us. As someone who detestes small talk and can't stand being hugged or kissed by people who aren't my wife, kids or dog I found the experience somewhat harrowing.

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It's the same school year, but some left after year 11 whilst some stayed on one year for NVQ (or something) and some stayed for 2 years to take their A-Levels.


It’s supposed to be the class of a particular year, so that when you meet for the reunion you catch up and what you’ve done since leaving. Not, “I don’t recognise you, who are you? Oh, you were two years above me? Ah, well that explains that then.”



FFS. Ok, we're all in the same school year. We all started in 1994, at the same age and were in the same classes from year 7 until year 11. And then in 1999, after we took our GCSE's, our obligatory school years ended. So of course we all knew each other very well.


You then had a choice of either staying on for 6th form (1 year or 2, depending on whether you took A levels, AS levels etc), you went to college or you got a job.


Was this not common practice for most schools?

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Yep, that's pretty standard. People in my year stayed on till '98 then either went off to a different college or stayed on for A Levels / other qualifications meaning they had the choice in leaving 98/99/2000. They were all still people that were in ' my year' in school.


The thing about Facebook being the easiest way to organise a reunion, is that its made them irrelevant. Everyone knows what people have been up to since school because you're still friends with the majority of them on there. Plus the usual 'so what have you been up to?' small talk is tarnished when you know the majority are now Britain first sharing bellends.

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Nope, I was in Northumberland. That solves that pretty quickly then!


Indeed, although not a million miles away!


FFS. Ok, we're all in the same school year. We all started in 1994, at the same age and were in the same classes from year 7 until year 11. And then in 1999, after we took our GCSE's, our obligatory school years ended. So of course we all knew each other very well.


You then had a choice of either staying on for 6th form (1 year or 2, depending on whether you took A levels, AS levels etc), you went to college or you got a job.


Was this not common practice for most schools?


OK, chill. I thought you meant your reunion had people from different years but left school the same calendar year (i.e. Year 11s and six-formers), not the Year 11 class of a particular calendar year, regardless of whether they stayed on at sixth form or not.

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Grosse Pointe Blank is still a pretty good movie but I just think any kind of reunion involving people who were never my friends in the first place sounds like a bad idea. There'd be a lot of "look at me" going on with certain people and I really don't think I could pretend to like those individuals for even one evening. I know certain people change but I'm willing to bet that some of them are still bellends.

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