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The various posts after mine, I’m not saying people should just bend over and let the police run roughshod. Just there are alternatives to being a prick. If an officer is going outside of their remit, inform them so rather than stooping to their level and possibly getting yourself into more trouble.

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I do see your point, in the odd instance your suggested approach can backfire. Plod can get wound up by an amateur Perry Mason and Nick you, knowing that you'll be released later just to get the last laugh, and knowing fuck all will happen to them. Plod at demo's can be the worst for that.

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Barton Moss was unbelievable in how many videos of poor behaviour from the police came out.


This is probably the most well known incident.



The guy's car was at home on his driveway. He'd come down the night before on foot and stayed overnight, and yet there's police claiming that he was seen driving that morning and that he'd admitted drinking.

He was released without charge the next morning, before being arrested again a week or so later for impersonating a police officer, for wearing a plastic police helmet from a toy shop.



The guy in this video's a prick, but he's in the right. Policeman tells him he's free to go, and then radios in that he's making off. Without a video, that guy wouldn't have a leg to stand on.

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I was just having an argument with a knob on there, a real "I'm always right" pseud, and I set him alight with awesome facts and truths about the subject matter with my last retort so he deleted it and edited his last comment to say "I think that's the end of the argument" at the end so it looked like I couldn't retort to his last word and he won.


What a dick!

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Bell. Maybe just post it on your wall and tag him, saying how you tried to post it but your facebook must be playing up as it disappeared. Or just fuck them off.

Do this. If he's petty enough to delete it twice, this will really piss him off.

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6 hrs · 

So the pitch surface at Wembley is going to be in bad shape for a game of our national sport, because of our obsession to indulge American culture as much as is cringingly possible. Nice one.



GIST OF THE DELETED REPLY: You were a massive fan of Jackass, you love Faith No More, and Don Frye is somebody you talk about to this day. Does that make you Mr America? Of course not. You just want to whinge, had an unfair whinge, and then made attacks and untrue aspersions upon me when challenged.


(It was far longer and flowery in language, but it was on those tracks) 

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Ends with the Internet classic "this is all beneath me so I shan't reply any more".


The English Nazi League (or whatever they're called) have posted pictures of Lee Rigby's headstone today*. I've got this sickening feeling some hilarious scally white kids are going to vandalise it sharpish and no doubt Muslims with hooks for heads will get the blame.


*If you're wondering how I know this, I have several dense relatives suckered in by their furious poppydashing. I'm sure we all do.

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