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Facebook updates that blow your mind


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I do not know any people who I would call racist and do not add any person on Facebook that isn't my friend so it upsets me to see decent people posting shit from the EDL, SDL, the BNP of fucking Britain First. One guy thinks nothing of following a post about the Kriss Donald (the sort of stuff the poor boys mother wanted nothing to do with) by posting deep native American Indian script or that recent Real Men Don't Buy Girls campaign.


Another thing is that people younger than me who post that 'Who Remembers this ..........." pish. Fair enough if it is something like that "comedian" Slither from the mid eighties but Who Remembers Quavers! Really.

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My Grandad shared a Britain First photo today, I was fucking heart broken.

Don't be, Mo. You're a good man with good intentions. A lot of people on Facebook are so because it's socialising without going outside (me included) so they share things without caring where it came from. I bet Facebook has given your grandad the chance to interact with relatives he hadn't done.


But yeah, fuck that shit. Take the will and fuck them off.

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There's one girl on my friends list who 99% of the time is the most lovely person ever, she fights for all the right (imo) causes and gets involved in them more than I do but recently I've noticed a little too much anti-zionism creeping into her posts lately. I know there are a few bad eggs in the Pro Palestine camps, I've seen them myself and they use the platform to air their anti-semite views and I just hope someone like that isn't influencing her.


I should probably have a word shouldn't I? I mean if things start getting a little too dark.


A lot of people on Facebook are so because it's socialising without going outside (me included) so they share things without caring where it came from.


I mainly use Tumblr for that stuff these days, most followers don't know me in real life anyway and I can get away with being offensive much more (although, I'm pretty sure I'd only offend white males..).

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There's a guy I used to work with who's just got a new girlfriend and he can't stop tagging her in everything he posts. It's not just check-ins when he's with her, but even tagging her in pointless memes and all those things that are like Press 1 if you like my eyes, Press 2 if you like my personality etc. I'd hide his posts but occassionally he posts things that are worth reading, this new girlfriend of his however, has caused him to post a months worth of updates every single day. Urgh!

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There's one girl on my friends list who 99% of the time is the most lovely person ever, she fights for all the right (imo) causes and gets involved in them more than I do but recently I've noticed a little too much anti-zionism creeping into her posts lately. I know there are a few bad eggs in the Pro Palestine camps, I've seen them myself and they use the platform to air their anti-semite views and I just hope someone like that isn't influencing her.


I should probably have a word shouldn't I? I mean if things start getting a little too dark.


A lot of people on Facebook are so because it's socialising without going outside (me included) so they share things without caring where it came from.


I mainly use Tumblr for that stuff these days, most followers don't know me in real life anyway and I can get away with being offensive much more (although, I'm pretty sure I'd only offend white males..).


Offending white males is the lifeblood of tumblr.


I have a mate that's just like that - his anti-zionism congealed into violent anti-Semitism for a few years, and although he's toned it down, I think that's mainly because he has a presence in communist circles, and it wouldn't play well. I remember him laughing about the Versailles Wedding Hall Disaster, that was a real bastard thing to do.

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Finally deactivated my Facebook account a few minutes ago after getting fed up of stupidity on there. I deleted one old friend months ago as the majority of his posts were incredibly bitter rants about Liverpool FC, but the turning point was a 30+ year old guy threatening to hit me with wrestling moves for having the gall to post an opinion on his whiny rant/question on WWE Home Video UK's page, that and his cronies jumping in on it too

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I haven't really been on facebook since I stopped managing my football team and therefore didn't need an outlet to message 18 teenagers in one go. Last week I got a load of notifications of messages on my wall to wish me Happy Birthday. Some old friends I don't see much, aunties who haven't bothered sending cards since I was about 13 and such. Then a few people from school who I barely spoke to in the 5 years I was there.


My fault for being "friends" with them in the first place, I know (I just want to see who grew up to be fit) but who bothers to leave a happy birthday for someone they barely know just because it comes up on the facebook reminder thingy?

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  • Paid Members
I haven't really been on facebook since I stopped managing my football team and therefore didn't need an outlet to message 18 teenagers in one go. Last week I got a load of notifications of messages on my wall to wish me Happy Birthday. Some old friends I don't see much, aunties who haven't bothered sending cards since I was about 13 and such. Then a few people from school who I barely spoke to in the 5 years I was there.


My fault for being "friends" with them in the first place, I know (I just want to see who grew up to be fit) but who bothers to leave a happy birthday for someone they barely know just because it comes up on the facebook reminder thingy?


Happy birthday, Dave.

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My fault for being "friends" with them in the first place, I know (I just want to see who grew up to be fit) but who bothers to leave a happy birthday for someone they barely know just because it comes up on the facebook reminder thingy?

People who want to do something nice that doesn't involve too much effort. You have to be pretty cynical to get annoyed by someone wishing you happy birthday!

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