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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently 3 - The Final Insult

Devon Malcolm

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For the first time ever, I watched National Lampoons Christmas Vacation on the weekend. I wouldn't say its amazing or anything, but it did make me laugh out loud in certain places.


scene made me laugh a lot, even though it's probably not that funny all in all.

Scene below makes National Lampoon's European Vacation for me. I find it hilarious. Nobody else will. Song is Power Station - "Some Like It Hot". Robert Palmer on vocals for some reason..


Home Run on the music front again as far as I'm concerned Baz! I once choreographed a male strip routine to that very song such is my love for that scene.

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Didn't they do the song at the end of Commando as well?

Speaking of which, They loved shoehorning a power ballard / love song into violent 80s action films. The John Parr song from the end of The Running Man is the oddest song choice of all time.

Listening to that as we speak funnily enough. Naturally I love both and so they fit perfectly for me, but I was watching Rambo 2 the other night and as the ending approached I got a little quiver of excitement waiting for the belting credits music to kick in only to be reminded that it's "He ain't heavy". Surely that's weirder?

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The Rusty from the European Vacation movie always reminded me of a younger Robin Askwith from the Confessions movies.


EDIT: Speaking of the Rusty character some people don't realise that Leonard from The Big Bang Theory plays Rusty in Christmas Vacation.

Edited by The Clint
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There are films which, while not Christmas films perse, feel like them, because they were often on at Christmas back in the day of four channels and no internet, when the double-size Radio Times was the most thrilling gift of the season. For me, Kindergarten Cop and Uncle Buck fit into this category, but the same goes for anything you probably taped off the telly at Christmas, and were still ffwding through the "there's millions, says Geoffrey" ads come summertime when you were watching it for the millionth time.

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Passengers is an awful movie that I recommend you all see just so you can see how amazingly stupid it is.


In fairness to Morten Tyldum, who did direct the brilliant Headhunters which I think I made a bunch of people watch on here a few years ago, it looks like a film that's had a studio hack the shit out of it but even so, it's still bloody awful.

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Hook was always considered to be a 'Christmas film' round our end. Kindergarten Cop has lost that status as it seems to be on ITV2 every other week


Yeah, every Saturday during "Soccer Saturday" on Sky Sports, or it's a heavily trimmed "Licence to Kill" at 1pm.

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Passengers is an awful movie that I recommend you all see just so you can see how amazingly stupid it is.

Came on to post just how shit this movie is! Absolutely astonishing that everything about the movie - including the two leads - was so unlikeable. 

The missus liked it because love and crescendos in D minor.

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Urgh, is it really that bad?


I liked the look of the trailer due to the whole "why did they wake up thing", although I ended up getting that spoiled for me recently. Still thought it might be "OK", but I've heard nothing but bad things.

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Passengers is an awful movie that I recommend you all see just so you can see how amazingly stupid it is.

Came on to post just how shit this movie is! Absolutely astonishing that everything about the movie - including the two leads - was so unlikeable. 

The missus liked it because love and crescendos in D minor.



I like Jennifer Lawrence but aside from the second Hunger Games, she's never been in anything I enjoyed. She picks some awful movies. I liked her swimsuit though.


But yeah, this was the pits. I wasn't expecting much from it so I didn't leave it disappointed at least.

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"Living Daylights" is a great Bond film. Do a lot of people shit on it? Timothy Dalton is an underrated handsome piece of a a man (not gay). Theme tune is shit. I'll grant you that. It would have been shit with Brosnan.

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Dalton just turned up at the wrong time. The Eighties was an era of punning muscle men shooting shit indiscriminately and winning. An understated British assassin wasn't going to go down well. He's also a grower - as you age, you appreciate him more. He does the best "Shaken, not stirred", like he's sick of having to kill shitty bartenders who keep swirling his drink. He did what Daniel Craig has been praised for more recently, albeit without Trenbolone, lifts and jug-eared Zoolander pout (clearly La Tigra). I much prefer Dalton's lethal sex panther to Craig's Eustace Gristle death-bot.

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Theme tune is shit. I'll grant you that.

Hey, there's nowt wrong with the theme tune. It's very much "of it's time" but it's a corker.


I like Dalton, but the Caveman's right in that he's a grower. Coming off the back of Moore's slightly flamboyant style made him look a little flat at the time, but his films have aged far better than Brosnan's later ones did.

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