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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently 3 - The Final Insult

Devon Malcolm

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I watched Bone Tomahawk on Saturday and it's pretty gripping stuff. One gruesome scene will stay with me for the rest of my days; you could hear nearly everybody in the cinema take a deep breath after it.


Homeboy from the Conjuring has something going on with his receding hair, which is a bit distracting, along with him basically turning up dressed as Chris Pratt. Despite this bothering me, he did win me over come the end.

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I love Bolo Yeung, so much

Bolo's fucking ace. He entered Hong Kong by swimming from the mainland. As he walked out the sea, muscular as fuck and covered in seaweed and shit, sunbathers thought he was some cryptozoological creature and ran away from him.


I was on the fence with RoboCop, as there's a lot of "actually, it's pretty good" about, but you've just confirmed the very things that would annoy me, so I think I'll save my money.

RoboCop remake was on TV the other night so I thought I'd give it a chance. Actually, it was pretty good. Perhaps it's because I went in with low expectations (like I did with Aliens vs Predator) but - occasional CGI superpowers aside - I rather enjoyed it. The fact that it had a different plot made it almost an alternative version, rather than a replacement.
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I saw Zoolander 2 at the cinema the other night. I really wanted to like it, I even watched the first one again before I went. Unfortunately it misfired way more than it hit, I remember laughing properly a handful of times but it was frustrating more than anything.

There was way too much action, the second half felt more like a spy action film than a comedy. Hansel was such a funny character in the first film but in this one he was just there really.

If you haven't seen or can't remember the first one watch it again first, it ties in much more than I expected. Ben Stiller has aged amazingly well, he looks great, Owen Wilson looked like Michael Mckean as David St Hubbins doing a Spïnal täp gig now.



Another thing that annoyed me is they built up Kristen Wiig's character as an interesting new heel only to dump her whole character to reveal she was just a henchman and everything ties in to the previous film, it was like Dark Knight Rises all over again. I hated the kid and the dead wife too, rubbish. Probably my worst part though was; if you recall in the first film Zoolander stops a ninja throwing star with nothing but a look - it was pretty funny but unfortunately they absolutely beat the gag into the ground this time around, having an extended sequence where Zoolander, his son and Hansel all use their look power to stop an attack, it's dreadful and has no place in a satirical comedy.



I'm going to see Grimsby tomorrow, I've really wanted to see it since I first heard about it so it had better be hilarious.

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The Lobster is a little gem. You read the synopsis and think, 'nah, behave' but it really works. Some fantastic dialogue and humour, and whilst some of the actors don't get as much screen-time as their brief performances deserve, the whole thing just hits the spot. And whilst not a spoiler, the scene where Colin Farrell meets the little girl on the beach had me laughing way more than was probably intended. Great film.

Edited by Frankie Crisp
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Grimsby was great, I've really wanted to see it since I heard about it but the general lack of interest wasn't very promising. It was much better than I'd hoped though. Sasha Baron Cohen is great and the film pushed the boundaries of good taste even more than we've come to expect from him. Rebel Wilson and Mark Strong were great too, Mark Strong's always pretty great but he worked really well as the ultimate straight man.
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The trailer for Grimsby is bloody awful. I know the actual funny bits can't be put in the official trailer, but all you're left with is a flimsy premise and obvious, lame jokes. It does a terrible job selling the film.


Anyway, I watched Brooklyn yesterday and it's a charming film. It has a lovely mix of pathos and humor running throughout it, although it may be a little slow moving for some.

Edited by ColinBollocks
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I watched the Regular Show movie yesterday. I haven't seen any of this in aaages so was really nice to be back with the characters. Overall, pretty enjoyable. Of the show, I've only seen up to the midway part of Season 5, because that's all they had bundled as full seasons on TPB. Will need to pick up the others and get caught up.


Raffy from The League voices the main bad guy - nice to hear him cropping up; I like that guy.

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Watched 'A Most Violent Year' the other night had heard nothing about it it had a 7/10 rating and the word Violent in the title I thought I can't go wrong..................

Utter Shite I kept thinking I'm turning it of but my Mrs kept assuring me it had to get going it doesn't its a really bad film and how the fuck it got 7/10 baffles me 0/10 would have been to good a rating for it

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