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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently 3 - The Final Insult

Devon Malcolm

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I watched WWE's Leprechaun Origins "starring" Dylan "Hornswoggle" Postl the other day. Just to warn you my review may have small spoilers about the style of the film but nothing that will ruin the story or anything.

There were some very bizarre creative decisions made in this film, I've seen the Leprechaun films with Warwick Davis and the Leprechaun is a chatty foul little creature in a green suit, he's a little bit scary but mostly tongue in cheek, seems like the perfect way to represent a Leprechaun in a horror film really. Well in the new one they've done away with all that, don't expect to see Hornswoggle looking like he did when he was Finlay's sidekick, what we get instead is a hilariously po faced new interpretation of the Lepechaun myth where there is one Leprechaun and (I kid you not) he's a small naked bald monster who sees in heat vision like Predator, he moves like the chest burster in alien, he can't talk and he eats people in seconds. He's basically a cross between a dog sized werewolf and one of the bald vampires from blade 2. You can also hardly tell it's him, he's not shown much, he doesn't do much, he doesn't say anything and there's not really any reason he's not being played by a puppet. The film is also set in Ireland despite obviously not being filmed there, Irish people are represented in a hilariously awful manner and they come with a nice selection of the worst Irish accents ever committed to film.

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An odd departure.. Is it actually any good?


If it sounds at all watchable after my review then go for it man. It's pretty awful but it's definitely shit enough to be amusing, the best thing about it is the humorous anti-payoff of the Leprechaun being so whack and unexpected but I already spoiled that for you so proceed with caution. It's only an hour and 12 minutes or something though so you don't have much to lose.

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I watched Alien for the first time last night, because the talk of the Isolation game made me think I should give it a go. Decent film, but I can't help feeling I missed out a lot by not being about ten when I first watched it, without years and years of seeing xenomorphs and facehuggers and all that desensitising me to it all. I thought the decades-old limitations with effects would take me out of it a lot, but they didn't really, except the chestburster was a bit of a joke. Mainly it struck me as having loads of interesting stuff and being ripe for a remake.

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I watched ninja turtles and loved it

Considering your choice of username, your opinions on what is and isn't good don't hold much water.


Mainly it struck me as having loads of interesting stuff and being ripe for a remake.

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Is TMNT full of big explosions and rubbish CGI? The type of thing I can expect from Michael Bay?

The trailers are. I think it's a safe bet that the films similarly explosive. There's probably a lot of slow motion debris narrowly missing people too.
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I watched Alien for the first time last night, because the talk of the Isolation game made me think I should give it a go. Decent film, but I can't help feeling I missed out a lot by not being about ten when I first watched it, without years and years of seeing xenomorphs and facehuggers and all that desensitising me to it all. I thought the decades-old limitations with effects would take me out of it a lot, but they didn't really, except the chestburster was a bit of a joke. Mainly it struck me as having loads of interesting stuff and being ripe for a remake.

Rewatched it a few weeks ago and it's still a beautiful film. Regardless of how shit Ridley Scott has gone, his attention to the art and design of his early films was amazing and still holds up now. The only 2 really dodgy bits in Alien are the Chest Burster ( which was ruined even more by Spaceballs) and the

shitty alien on a string air lock climax which looks terrible



Anyway I watched Mississippi Burning last night for the first time in years, still a fantastic film. For some reason I have really never liked Willem Dafoe. I have no idea why, but he really has put in some great performances in his time. Still don't like his face though.

Gene Hackman is just amazing isn't he? Seriously up there with the greatest of all time. Does anyone not rate him?

Also is there a director with a more random body of work than Alan Parker?

Edited by chokeout
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Alan Parker is responsible for the worst experience of my life, so he can fuck off. Me and this lady were getting on fantastically, and I joined her back at her house where SHE WANTED TO WATCH EVITA. She knew all the songs, sang along, and wanted me to. In harmony. Instead I spent the entire film going on about Jimmy Nail like a real man as I didn't know before that Jimmy Nail was in it, singing "Ain't No Doubt" whenever he came on screen. She didn't like that.


As the film finally ended, I was going to finally get my tops and fingers. We adjourned to her boudoir where I put it to her ten cocks to the cunt whereupon she starts crying. When I stop and ask her what's the matter she replies "Evita always makes me cry!". We'd stopped watching it by then, and I'd decided I'd stop having sex with her as having sex with a crying girl is weird. She didn't want me to stop though. And got angry. The tears became tears of anger. Fury in fact. Fury because I didn't feel comfortable having sex with a crying girl. Now I'm scared. I deduce she's a stabbing type. I need to get out of there. But the first train home isn't for 3 hours, and I'm not about to walk home 2 hours in the fucking rain.. So like the total non-coward I am, I locked myself in her conservatory to get some sleep while she shouted all manner of insults, mainly pertaining to me not being a real man for continuing to bonk her until she got bored and went to bed.She was such a loon she didn't think to unlock the conservatory, or find another way to get in, or phone the police saying "Some fucking Geoff Capes looking twat's locked himself in my house". She just screamed and bawled, then got tired of it and went to bed.


She was the weirdest person ever. Just fucking strange.

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