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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently 3 - The Final Insult

Devon Malcolm

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Watched the latest Danny Boyle movie, Trance earlier. Apart from a good look at Rosario Dawson's slit, not really that impressed. It came across as one of those Monday night 3 part ITV thrillers you get in the autumn.

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Frozen was great. Best Disney film in quite a while.


I was planning on going but then the kids saw it at the cinema as part of someone's birthday party and they loved it, but I didn't fancy on paying full whack again for them so we'll catch it when it's on as a Cineworld

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The Wolf of Wall Street - An absolutely insane movie. I know DiCaprio said he regrets not taking the Patrick Bateman gig, but he makes up for that in abundance here by absolutely nailing a similar - albeit real life - character.

One of the best compliments I can pay it is that it does not feel or look like a Scorsese flick, and although is does border on depravity at points, the depravity makes sense and is relative to the story and characters. It's a seriously ballsy flick by Scorsese and an even ballsier performance from DiCaprio, and one that deserves a top accolade, but will no doubt be overlooked - I reckon anyway - because of the subject matter.

Looking at it like a black comedy, it's a devilishly funny and ludicrously entertaining flick, and one I can't wait to see it again. My mate (who has been charged with reviewing it by his boss) thought it was vile and pointless, because he took it far too seriously, so if anyone has plans to see it, go in with the expectation of a comedy and you'll find it far more entertaining.

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I caught Sightseers last night on Film 4. Why I bothered I do not know. It's pap! It's not funny, it's badly directed (Ben loves his shakeycam, clearly). The characters are complete walking nonentities, who you dont care for either way. It is a worry seeing as it's about a serial killer, so you'd expect some investment in them?


SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

Cliches such as the National Trust dude, being a posh twit and then getting bumped off was sub modern BBC sit com stuff.


The ending was totally expected with the scene planted as soon as she found the snaps on the Camera. "That's not my Vagina" was probably amongst the funniest bits in the film too.



Avoid like the plague. I have no idea why it has so many plaudits, it's just a complete horrid mess of a film.

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Tried to watch the recent Wolverine movie last night. Fuck it was awful. Who on here said it was any good recently? I blame you.


It started off ok, but then with each passing minute became bad to awful.


What do people think of Dalton's Bond movies? I watched them both recently. I enjoyed them. They seem to fall into this Bond anomaly that On Her Majesty's Secret Service, also finds itself in. I think you have to remember at the same time stuff like Die Hard and Lethal Weapon movies were coming out. I like how Dalton handled the character. It's too bad he never got the chance to make that third movie (Goldeneye) not that Pierce Brosnan or that movie sucks, it's just I feel his Bond is more old school, and again theirs nothing wrong with that either. As far as modern takes on the character go, Dalton is better than Craig's (so far).

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Yeah, they're both pretty good. Dalton was probably a bit too down-to-earth to be a long-lasting Bond but both his films are underrated.


Yeah, that's why I put them on instead of the usual Bonds I watch over Christmas. It's been a long while since I watched them.


Proper modern, at the time, Bond and a non-ultra gritty reboot from the Moore films.


Licence to Kill is a bit of an anomaly. Certainly the most ruthless don't fuck with Bond or Bond's friends piece, but it's a bit too violent for what the Bond films had become.


Dalton and Lazenby's small sample size do give them the Batman benefit, they never lived long enough to become the villain.


The bluray set is going for

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Just finished watching The Lone Ranger with the family, and I wasn't wrong the first time, it really is actually quite good. It didn't feel at all like a slog like it did slightly in the cinema (though it does still take a while to get going), that William Tell train sequence is still superb, glorious fun-filled action, and even the ridiculous bits weren't as jarring as I remembered. We all expressed disappointment at the fact there's no chance in hell of a sequel, because while it does have problems, I truly believe it's not as bad as so many of the reviews made it out to be.


In fact, I'd probably swap it with Gravity in my 2013 rankings and give it a top 10 spot for rewatch value.



Also watched Sightseers yesterday. Having hated A Field In England, I had no expectations whatsoever for it, but it wasn't bad at all. I'm putting that down to Alice Lowe and Steve Oram rather than Wheatley, though.

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Has anybody else been watching/rewatching the Hammer Horrors on BBC 2 in the early hours of the morning? Them and Witchfinder General (also on) have been the best thing about Christmas by quite a way.

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