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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently 3 - The Final Insult

Devon Malcolm

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It gets a lot of unjust hate for not being a "proper" Nightmare movie but for me it's easily on par with the 1st film. The 3rd is still my fav but that's more for nostalgia reasons, it really set my imagination alight as a child when I shouldn't have been watching it, that and Nightbreed and Hellraiser 2.

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New Nightmare is great, that's what doing a not "proper" one of the series should be done like. Not Jason goes to Hell which is completely awful. While I'm here Jason X is a bit silly too but it does have my favourite horror film kill in it (the liquid nitrogen face smash)

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Speaking of horror It always puzzled me why Halloween III had fuck all to do with Michael Myers.

I think the producers were trying to set up a franchise/anthology type deal under the Halloween banner. But because it bombed, they ditched the idea and went back to Michael Myers full time.

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Wish it had worked — Halloween III is an great, terrifying film. I think a standalone release would have been great, but then it would probably have lagged in the production and acting department (Tom Atkins and Dan O'Herlihy are both fantastic, and professional spare part Stacey Nelkin is also in it).

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As someone who never watches horrors, I remember my mate telling me as kids that one of the kills in one of the Halloweens was Myers pushing a chef's face through a chain link fence and mashing it in the process. Any confirmation on this?

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It gets a lot of unjust hate for not being a "proper" Nightmare movie but for me it's easily on par with the 1st film. The 3rd is still my fav but that's more for nostalgia reasons, it really set my imagination alight as a child when I shouldn't have been watching it, that and Nightbreed and Hellraiser 2.


(Wes Craven's New Nightmare)


Company made Freddy's makeup and costume looked really frightening in it too, rather than the glorified clown he had become before "New Nightmare".


I didn't even know they remade "Nightmare on Elm Street" until about two years ago. Must have been shit.

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That Evil Dead looked pretty good from what i saw the other week. Some pretty inventive gore that paid homage to the original quite nicely.


On the subject of inventive horror Lights Out was fucking ace. My legs hurt and were cramping from how tense it was. Definitely one that'll have you running up the stairs after you shut everything off in the living room before bed.

That Evil Dead looked pretty good from what i saw the other week. Some pretty inventive gore that paid homage to the original quite nicely.


On the subject of inventive horror Lights Out was fucking ace. My legs hurt and were cramping from how tense it was. Definitely one that'll have you running up the stairs after you shut everything off in the living room before bed.

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Any "Emmanuelle" fans here? I find the 4,5,6 the most fun and mental. If I had to choose one, it would have to be the glorious fifth one. I've seen most versions of it. KODI have a hardcore cut which I didn't like. Made the hilarity levels go right down. I'm always pimping "Emmanuelle 5" (non-hardcore version).

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