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The issue with women's wrestling in WWE and TNA is that they'll generally run one feud at a time, and the rest of them sit back and wait their turn. They're all expendable and aside from people maybe shouting sexism, both companies could sack every active wrestling woman they have and it wouldn't make a difference. Nobody would miss them.

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You could say that about everyone in TNA, though. They outlined that with their cycling in and out process and building the show around non-workers like Dixie Carter, Hulk Hogan and Brooke. Hogan is the main act on the show, yet he doesn't do PPVs or house shows. So that is applicable to most or all of TNA's roster. Its all the same result whoever is on Impact.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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I think some people would notice the lack of extra revenue. Admittedly they could jsut replace them with other attractive women and make up that revenue but you get what I mean.


I do think not booking a stronger women's division might be a bit of a mistake though. TNA's shown in the past that a strong women's division (or matches at least) draws viewers in rather than takes them away. And I can't help but feel having strong female characters for either company might get both good pulicity and widen the fanbase a bit.

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I don't know what their money and that's like but it would be cool to see some of the indie girls signed up by TNA, especially now WWE are swallowing up all the decent male talent. LuFisto, Courtney Rush, Portia Perez and the like would instantly brighten up the place. What's happened to Tessmacher, they let her go?

Edited by Mr Butternut Squash
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Like who? Their reputation within the industry when it comes to women wrestlers is shocking. I think more women turned them down for the recent Knockouts PPV than actually wrestled. Even the ex-TNA Knockouts. Angelina Love, Daffney, Roxxi, Traci Brooks and Awesome Kong refused. You will earn more money fleecing marks and setting up an Amazon wish list than you will working for TNA. Its probably why the majority of Knockouts are ex-WWE workers.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Dunno, I'm more of the opinion that it was a bit of mistake for TNA to have let it go and it might be beneficial for the WWE to take a bit more of an interest in their female characters. I'm not particularly inclined to think TNA can change much around at the moment, their reputation's shot and they don't have any cash to blind peopel with.


In the 'E's case they've got a chance to make something of their women with that reality show I guess.

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Gallows has gone too.

That isn't a surprise at all. He's been getting the big kickout for weeks. Initially I thought that meant he was going to team up with Sting and Angle. Then it came apparent that he was getting buried under ground.


Is anyone going to give me a good reason why Anderson is pushed ahead of Gallows? Even if you dont like Gallows, is there any good argument there?


More on the Gallows thing:

The situations surrounding the departures of Tara and Doc were each a completely different series of circumstances, according to TNA sources.

While Tara was a release planned by TNA as a cost-cutting move, sources indicate that the company lost Doc because his contract negotiations went on too long and finally his deal expired. He had been figured into creative plans going forward with an eventual babyface turn, something that had been teased.


The blame on Doc's exit was placed on Bruce Prichard, head of Creative and Talent Relations, by some. There have been several different sources this evening that contacted PWInsider, claiming that there have been multiple examples of contract negotiations going down to the wire or resulting in talents exiting this year under Prichard's regime.


The most noteworthy of those exits were Rob Van Dam's as RVD has claimed that after coming to terms with a deal, "professionalism went out the window" as he stopped getting his calls returned by the company.


It should be noted that is it entirely possible the two sides could still come to terms of a new deal (as happened with Devon in the past), but as of now, Doc is gone and free to go anywhere he pleases.


In the case of Tara, sources claim she was far and away the highest paid female wrestler on the roster and the decision was made to shift that money elsewhere. The belief is that there could be more releases to come as well down the line.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Someone needs to tell Pritchard to make a spreadsheet with the list oftalent in one column and thee date their contract expires in the other. And stick a post it note on his desk telling him to check it once a month.

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Like who? Their reputation within the industry when it comes to women wrestlers is shocking. I think more women turned them down for the recent Knockouts PPV than actually wrestled. Even the ex-TNA Knockouts. Angelina Love, Daffney, Roxxi, Traci Brooks and Awesome Kong refused. You will earn more money fleecing marks and setting up an Amazon wish list than you will working for TNA. Its probably why the majority of Knockouts are ex-WWE workers.

You mentioning Traci reminded me of something that I found out recently. The reason Traci turned down the PPV gig is because she had a kid at the end of last year and is not doing any wrestling for the time being. Her and Kazarian had been keeping it quiet but Christy let it slip in a tweet and then a couple of weeks ago Traci brought the kid backstage at the Vegas tapings.

Edited by pgi86
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Someone needs to tell Pritchard to make a spreadsheet with the list oftalent in one column and thee date their contract expires in the other. And stick a post it note on his desk telling him to check it once a month.

Not to be picky, but they should also tell him to sort the sheet by the Contract Expiry date, with the closest date at the top, and the furthest away at the bottom. That way, it's not too much of a chore for him to look at who's at the top and when their contract needs to be picked up again

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Looks like Pritchard's on his way out anyway (from PWNet):


The restructuring within TNA has led to a number of wrestlers being released from their contracts or the company allowing talent contracts to expire. It is also affecting the office side of the company. Multiple sources report that Bruce Prichard, Sr. Vice President of Programming and Talent Relations, was among the office personnel asked to restructure his deal. Prichard is said to have rejected that request. It is believed that his days with TNA are coming to an end barring an unexpected twist.


And D-Lo as well:


Meanwhile, the TNA agents were also asked to restructure their deals to a per night agreement. The word in TNA circles is that D-Lo Brown agreed to the per night agreement recently only to be fired by the company shortly thereafter. An attempt to reach Brown for comment on his status was not successful.
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