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I have never ever in TNAs 14 year history compared TNA to WWE, said they were the alternative or competition nor do I believe that they are or have ever been the number 2 promotion nor will they ever be.

Those lucky enough to have lived through WCW vs WWF in the 90s have to understand that will NEVER EVER happen again.

TNA don't have to be competition and perhaps now that Hogan is hopefully gone from wrestling altogether TNA have finally realized that they should never have tried to be anything more than what they were for all those years before 2010.


WWE do want competition though so perhaps they should have let Bischoff buy WCW back in 2001 because no sooner had they put WCW under then they chose to split the company in half to create competition. Which I understand has happened again despite them running that into the ground last time, which ended making Smackdown no different to Superstars in the end.

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To me, it was a "foot in the door".


If you could get over to the US, and prove yourself on (at the time) a decent TV channel and PPV's, it could open doors to WWE. Again, its still is to a degree, but TNA as a brand is just the worst, so many (from the UK and the US) have turned down offers to join their roster for that exact reason.




Some people like watching British wrestling, I like watching TNA, people have different tastes.



I like good wrestling, no matter what country its from. TNA is not that at all. 



But how can you say that, Wrestling is about as subjective as entertainment genre as there is. What you think is dross I might like and vice versa. You can't make a categorical statement like you have in such a matter of fact way.


I am not a TNA apologist by any means, If it's shite I call it out for being so, but in my opinion they have really tightened things up this year, I have watched for a long long time and suffered through some absolutely terrible TV, and in my opinion this year is among the best stuff they have produced, concentrating on 6-8 guys and giving them solid storylines and actually trying to build up feuds.


Sure you can point to the crappy viewing figures etc, but that is because they have so much stink on them and the brand is just dead in the water.

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That's fine, but after being slated on here so much for trying to make a positive out of nothing with TNA, I don't know why he bothers coming back again and again to try discuss it with people when he'd be better off on a forum that actually discusses it.

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