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I've always had a soft spot for TNA because I've been to florida 9 times and gone to tapings pretty much everytime,


getting to see Hogan, Jeff Hardy, Angle, Flair, Styles, Joe and pretty much everyone else since 2008 for free was great and the shows were always fun live (even saw them past april) 


But fuck me the company is dreadful these days, the Aces and 8's stuff for me was the final straw for them and it's just been reboots and new era's ever since, I feel bad for the wrestlers just trying to get work but caught up in this mess of a company

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Strange bunch some of you why don't you stop posting in a thread that is supposed to be to to discuss the TNA weekly shows and ppvs if you don't watch it and have no interest in it that's fine go and post about something you do watch elsewhere


You seem to like to mock the other forum and for what? Because the posters on it watch the show and discuss its events in a sensible manner

I think it's been said time and before that once upon a time the majority were TNA supporters. Go back and look and what we were watching and compare and contrast the fucking parody of shit that we are presented with today. Then ask why long term wrestling fans are bitter and jaded over the current product.


And that should answer why this thread pokes so much fun at TNA. Because it deserves it. As do the sites and forums that praise the shite.


And stop using 'lol' at the end of your opinions!

Edited by stevieg1980
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Every time I see Mark Andrews live, my heart breaks a little that he's associated with this company. I mean, it's great for him being on shows and stuff (when he is). But with the Cruiserweight Classic coming up, and he's there doing absolutely nothing...what a waste

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He had a skateboard and baseball cap if that counts as "dressed as Bart Simpson".


Actually that hurracanrana spot on the ramp off of a skateboard is probably the most noteworthy thing he's done with TNA. And that's only because the video got shared around online.

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I don't know about anyone else but lately I am really enjoying watching Impact. I think TNA are doing a great job of selling the rivalries between more than just those in the main event.

I thought the EC3 vs Mike Bennett feud was very well done (yes, even the Bischoff/Flair toilet cleaning bit). Like Lashley or not they did a great job selling the feud with him and Galloway.

And I think they did a great job of selling the Hardy feud and freshening it up with Matt going loco.

Really liking Eli Drake at the moment, I think a long KOTM reign is in order.

I can't say that their is anything on an episode of Impact that makes me want to FF or turn off which is very refreshing for a promotion I had not enjoyed watching since Bollea ran it into the ground.

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This weeks Impact was a really decent episode of Wrestling TV. Good matches, common sense for the most part in the booking and it's so refreshing to blast through it in just over an hour with the adds taken out and the Women stuff skipped.


That spot by Jeff at the end though, good god he is actually going to die in front of our very eyes isn't he at some point.

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I know Jeff gets a lot of shit off the IWC but the guy is still doing the crazy stuff he did for WWE 16 years ago

and it means less every time


I wanna hear about Galloway, I keep hearing he's shit-hot on the indies, but every time I've seen him in TNA he comes across some Braveheart worshipping self-important cornball - can't stand his promos, and him coming out in a kilt made me go 'fuck off' but it may just be how he's told to act/how he's been positioned. I didn't see much of him in WWE but TNA are definitely make him emphasize his Scottish-ness to the max and it's dreadful

Twas a decent little main event on their PPV between 2 guys I couldn't give much of a shit about so i wanted to make sure it's definitely TNA making him look shiter than he is

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As I have said before, the guy is just a risk taker, he does big massive dirt bike jumps for fun in his spare time and if he wants to injure himself, let him go I say, at leat a few thousand people will see it and be impressed.

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