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The LOLTNA history page added a thing about the offices they got evicted from. Apparently, some fans enquired about rent at Cummins Station in Nashville where they were based and it starts at $34 per square foot. They estimated they would be paying something between $35k-$70k a month and the average rent for office space in Nashville can run as low as $2 per square foot. Meaning they were paying 17 times the average.

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I don't watch TNA. But, I was watching TNA Xplosion 2016 on Challenge this morning. It must have been old as, I think, the commentators were Tenay and Taz. It was an X match with Kenny King, Zema Ion and some indie wrestlers. How old was it? I thought it was mostly crap. I've not really seen Ion wrestle but his offence was that fabricated, unrealistic shit that I hate. I actually don't mind flippy high spots stuff, but I hate that Matrix style double cartwheel, tornado DDT into a sunset flip nonsense. No matter how talented you are, you're a rubbish wrestler if your matches look over rehearsed IMO.

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It was an X match with Kenny King, Zema Ion and some indie wrestlers. How old was it? I thought it was mostly crap. I've not really seen Ion wrestle but his offence was that fabricated, unrealistic shit that I hate.

Sounds like it was from 2 or 3 years back. He had the DJZ gimmick for ages, which naturally was bollocks. He's just returned with a new, more serious look & has apparently been training in Lucha techniques. They did say where, but I can't remember. Somewhere in the U.S, not Mexico. That's as much as I know or wish to know about him.

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It was an X match with Kenny King, Zema Ion and some indie wrestlers. How old was it? I thought it was mostly crap. I've not really seen Ion wrestle but his offence was that fabricated, unrealistic shit that I hate.

Sounds like it was from 2 or 3 years back. He had the DJZ gimmick for ages, which naturally was bollocks. He's just returned with a new, more serious look & has apparently been training in Lucha techniques. They did say where, but I can't remember. Somewhere in the U.S, not Mexico. That's as much as I know or wish to know about him.

I loved the DJZ gimmick. He's an awful spot monkey, but the gimmick was brilliant - perfect for heel, with the computer bullhorn giving him instant hateability. Fit perfectly with the Bro-Mans' dickhead clubber gimmick too.

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When did Billy Corgan become a massive right wing mental? He was on the radio with the bastion of sanity Alex Jones calling people who are PC as bad as the KKK, and espousing Republican rhetoric and head the ball conspiracy theories about chemtrails and shit. And to think, Tonight Tonight is one of my top 5 songs of all time, might have to rethink that.


Mind you though, he'd mesh well with Ron and Goering if they take the reigns.

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If that's indeed true, they definitely did right telling them to go whistle

I never understood how people can get in a position where they're owed vast amounts like that. If the money stops coming in, you stop doing what you were being paid to do.

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Heyman owed money left, right and centre when ECW went bust. Some were owed a little, whereas others had 6 figures as well. And they didn't have much assets to cover anything near it.


But that’s the thing: you don’t want to be in a position where you’re owed lots of money and the company’s at a point where it’s easier for them to just file for bankruptcy and shut up shop and leave you out of pocket. Damage limitation and all that jazz.

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