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What you're all struggling to realize, is that TNA is about to turn the whole thing around and become massive again.  I mean come on, Matt Hardy is their World Champion.  Who doesn't want to see that?


I fully recognise that TNA has pretty much fucked up any chance of becoming a major player capable of even challenging the WWE. A decent weekly wrestling show featuring one or two big names is pretty much how low my expectations have fallen.

That said, I don't relish seeing guys like Austin Aries turn up on NXT though. Was a bit gutted about that tbh.

Edited by garynysmon
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Beer Money still going? 


I haven't watched TNA in yonks, probably a good five or six years. But they were knocking about back then as well. I do like it when tag teams stick together for years rather than about a year, split, feud.

Well, not how you see it.  They did split, they did feud, and now they're back together.





What you're all struggling to realize, is that TNA is about to turn the whole thing around and become massive again.  I mean come on, Matt Hardy is their World Champion.  Who doesn't want to see that?


I fully recognise that TNA has pretty much fucked up any chance of becoming a major player capable of even challenging the WWE. A decent weekly wrestling show featuring one or two big names is pretty much how low my expectations have fallen.

That said, I don't relish seeing guys like Austin Aries turn up on NXT though. Was a bit gutted about that tbh.


Why?  I've followed TNA for years now, and they've had their ups and downs over the years, but NXT is a million miles better than TNA is right now.  I'm sure Austin Aries belives that too.

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I don't doubt Austin Aries is delighted to have a chance in the WWE. But seeing as I watch Impact more often that I do NXT, Austin Aries was one of my favourites. Pure selfishness on my part.

Oh ok, I mis-read what you meant then.  You should probably switch TNA for NXT then.  In fact the 2 hours of impact a week, replace that with NXT and Lucha Underground and you'll be much happier.  I have never stopped keeping up with TNA, but can't remember the last time I actually watched it

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Oh ok, I mis-read what you meant then. You should probably switch TNA for NXT then. In fact the 2 hours of impact a week, replace that with NXT and Lucha Underground and you'll be much happier. I have never stopped keeping up with TNA, but can't remember the last time I actually watched it

Great bit of advice there. In fact, fuck all weekly wrestling off and only watch NXT & Lucha. Life improvement guaranteed.

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Oh ok, I mis-read what you meant then. You should probably switch TNA for NXT then. In fact the 2 hours of impact a week, replace that with NXT and Lucha Underground and you'll be much happier. I have never stopped keeping up with TNA, but can't remember the last time I actually watched it

Great bit of advice there. In fact, fuck all weekly wrestling off and only watch NXT & Lucha. Life improvement guaranteed.


Agreed, a great example of less being more.

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