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Would WWE really want to celebrate the demise of TNA like that? WWE have done “Fall of” DVDs for ECW and WCW because they were recognised as bona fide competition (WCW due to having money, ECW due to being an alternative). WWE barely acknowledged TNA, if at all.


I imagine they’d buy TNA’s video library if the company did fold after this, but only so they could show a couple of seconds’ worth of footage when talking heads are talking about their, “time on the indies”.

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There's rumours (i.e. people talking out of their arse on twitter) that Bischoff might be going for the tape library due to the timing of him suddenly suing for unpaid wages from forever ago, although if theres any truth to that it's hard to see what his gameplan would be with it. Maybe he just wants to act as a middleman and make a few quid off selling it to Vince? seems like Erics style.

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Would WWE really want to celebrate the demise of TNA like that? WWE have done “Fall of” DVDs for ECW and WCW because they were recognised as bona fide competition (WCW due to having money, ECW due to being an alternative). WWE barely acknowledged TNA, if at all.


I imagine they’d buy TNA’s video library if the company did fold after this, but only so they could show a couple of seconds’ worth of footage when talking heads are talking about their, “time on the indies”.

If, and it's a big if, Vince bought the library you've got the chance to have a DVD doc or even a network series about a promotion trying to take on the PRomotion that took out WCW, which WWE don't like to mention at all, and how despite a short period where they put on some decent matches/shows. WWE is such a power house that TNA just couldn't compete. It would be Vince dick swinging at it's finest

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I doubt it'd even be that. There'd be no interest there, and Vince didn't even see it as competition anyway, and business wise it indeed never was competition so you don't get a WCW neck and neck war angle on things., and it had so many shocking periods as regards the product in between some quality (but all too few) purple patches, you'd not be able to push it as competition in a "the product changed the game" ECW sense. With Vince I'd not be surprised if he's forgotten they've ever existed these days. If anything, they'd probably be of the opinion that it cheapens WWE if TNA's portrayed as a promotion that tried to take them on as competition. I don't see why WWE would do it, it wouldn't portray a good image on a documentary if a company which did over a 1.1 something like 5 times and was getting 30,000 to buy a PPV when it was going well is pushed as a competitor to WWE, when it really never has been. An alternative? Yeah. Competitor? No.


I don't think there's any real value in the tape library, to be honest. Box sets wouldn't sell, a documentary wouldn't sell for reasons stated earlier, it's not going to draw eyes to the network, and the network's got loads of archive stuff that should be put on there before TNA ever should be. It's only use is scraps of occasional matches to fill out a Sting or Kurt Angle DVD. As I said on another forum, if Vince were to pay more than peanuts for the TNA library then he's been ripped off. If you can get it cheap, get it, but it's not really content of any great worth to WWE like a territories library is. It's a harsh way to look at 13 years of a company, but it's got no historical importance in the big scheme of things, unfortunately.

Edited by PowerButchi
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Do you still get those people who go "they said TNA wouldn't last six months...but look at them now!"


It always amused me that staying alive on someone else's money, losing millions and being a complete shambles of a promotion for years on end, was somehow considered this massive success.


I wonder if Dixie is organising the lie detector tests to see who leaked the cancellation.

Edited by Supremo
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I'm just waiting to hear that they've been kicked out of that proxy little office they have in Nashville, all possessions just left in a bin bag outside the front door


Jeff will stroll past on the way to his GFW office, laugh and then piss on the bin bags.

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Do you still get those people who go "they said TNA wouldn't last six months...but look at them now!"


It always amused me that staying alive on someone else's money, losing millions and being a complete shambles of a promotion for years on end, was somehow considered this massive success.


I wonder if Dixie is organising the lie detector tests to see who leaked the cancellation.

Yeah, that's the problem, TNA has been in business for ages now and they still haven't created any sort of positive brand identity - other than maybe being "shite wrestling", and at best "WWE-lite". How many of their solid TV viewership were ever enticed to buy their goods? Given that's sort of the point of the wrestling business, TNA haven't half made an arse of it.


A shame too, because you can't see another company getting the sort of exposure and investment they have received through the years from Spike (as Ian touched on, a network that doesn't/didn't find wrestling repulsive). That small window, post-WCW, for somebody to come in as a decent number 2 is long gone now.

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I don't think anyone would have been able to be a proper thriving number 2 just as it's so difficult to build a major promotion up completely from the ground and total fuck all. Success in wrestling doesn't come over night, and each week you're playing catch up so slowly it's like one step forward, and two steps back, but you need stars to build viewers, but you've got to pay those stars star wages while you're not clearing much money and you'll, much like Jeff and Jerry did, lose your arse on it very quickly. TNA lucked into Dixie Carter and her families resources which meant they've done as well as they have, but without lucking into such a golden sugar daddy type,hey'd have been dead in 6 months. And who's to say another startup would have hired Dixie for PR and lucked into Panda's millions? Well, they wouldn't have, as they wouldn't have hired her more'n likely. You can do well, look at ROH, but no-one will ever be real competition now for WWE.

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