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jesus christ thats bad. Its the same three lines dragged out over 70 seconds

And even worse, their lines didn't go together. I don't think she was listening to what he was saying at all. Her "You don't need a hammer to win" response was just weird in relation to his stuff. I dunno if she's too thick to get the gist or he changed his lines and she didn't change hers, or what was going on.

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I agree with Soapdish; it wasn't that bad! By no means the best acting, but in terms of throw-away, backstage wrestling skits, it was of a level of acting that I am used to!


Will the No Surrender special be a one off, or spread over two shows, like Hardcore Justice was?

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Based on his latest tweets, it kind of looks like Sabin is deliberately trying to be annoying:




After reflecting on the past couple months I'm pretty sure I made the greatest come back from injury in the history of mankind.


After 2 years on the sidelines- 2 X division title wins AND the World Heavyweight title? DAMN I'M SMOOTH.


Let's be honest people, I should be playing Batman, not Ben Affleck. I am an amazing actor, and an even better talker. Probably the best.


I'm not sure which is worse- Us humans mindlessly destroying our planet or the fact that I keep getting screwed by a hammer.


Heel turn coming?

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I think a heel turn would do Sabin the world of good. His promo style is naturally a little smug and he wasn't ready for the role of baby face saviour during his brief title reign.


Impact was decent this week. The verbal exchanges between the four BFG series finalists was pretty good and each man put in a good showing.

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Sabin and Velvet wernt that bad at all. Yeah it was a bit shit, but not awful. What was awful was Knux's backstage no sell of being hit in the head with a hammer. What the fuck was the point in that? Had it been a chair or something, fair enough, but not a fucking hammer.

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Mike Knox was just following orders. Its not like its his fault for doing what he is told in a pre-recorded segment. No selling the hammer shot was in the script for some reason. I dont even know why Knox is employed. What a waste of money. Its a crying shame how Luke Harper and Erick Rowan have jobs and poor Mike Knox is sitting there eating sarnies on TV. He's about 6'7" and can move. When he had the mask on and nobody knew it was him, he was having class bouts on TV against the likes of Aries and Sting and Bully Ray. Now he's just a man on TV in a leather snooker waistcoat.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Wasn't a knock at him but the idea of what they got him to do. It really is one of the stupidest things they have done lately in my opinion, just because there is no way at all it could be defended in anyway. Usually when TNA fuck up there is at least some shit reason to it

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To be honest they might as well go down that direction, because a guy showing up even a week later without so much as a sore head is almost as ridiculous as no-selling it between segments. The hammer is a good visual, but unless it's being used to write someone off TV they should have never had guys getting hit full on in the skull with it.

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Its that whole thing of "if you're over in the role, you can be forgiven" isnt it? Like Undertaker's magic act is just accepted or Triple H using his sledgehammer is just part of the enjoyment. But if John Cena with his character suddenly had fire coming out of his hands or Daniel Bryan started talking in a demon voice it would be completely out of place. I'm all for a hammer being used, but every week? Sometimes several times a show? And with people like Mike Knox and fucking Chris Sabin? Now the hammer gimmick is just finished in TNA. When Bully used it on Hardy, people popped. Now its just a nothing spot.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Mike Knox was just following orders. Its not like its his fault for doing what he is told in a pre-recorded segment. No selling the hammer shot was in the script for some reason. I dont even know why Knox is employed. What a waste of money. Its a crying shame how Luke Harper and Erick Rowan have jobs and poor Mike Knox is sitting there eating sarnies on TV. He's about 6'7" and can move. When he had the mask on and nobody knew it was him, he was having class bouts on TV against the likes of Aries and Sting and Bully Ray. Now he's just a man on TV in a leather snooker waistcoat.

Yikes, how much better would the wyatt family be if it was gallows and Knox??

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Yikes, how much better would the wyatt family be if it was gallows and Knox??

I dunno. The buzz around the Wyatt Family wouldn't have been the same if all three guys were just returning jobbers. On that first night they appeared on Raw you'd have had 'Festus' chants along with the 'Husky Harris' ones. Sure, the matches would have been much better, but I don't think the buzz that surrounded this mysterious group would have been there with recognised faces.

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Yeah, but the Wyatt's have fizzled out as quick as any act ever.


Trade in Knox/Gallows for Harper/Rowan and what you lose in initial buzz and intrigue, you gain back in credibility and continuity not just match quality. Like ian said in another thread, they're nutcase brawlers that can't brawl. Their dumb-as-shite ambling around takes away from the gimmick.


They're fucking useless.

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