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In this local media interview for tonight's show Dixie says that they have a "very big surprise that she's guessing will make worldwide headlines". I'm assuming she's referring to the mystery guy but who knows, really. If she is indeed referring to him then I guess that means he's a name guy. Not necessarily a wrestling name though. We'll see...


Worldwide news :laugh: that's nearly as bad as when Bischoff said WCW had a massive surprise at the great American bash that even vince McMahon couldn't stop. what did we get a Goldberg heel turn :rolleyes:

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Ugh. Couldn't be less interested in MMA guys. If it's keeping TNA afloat with Spike, then fine, but it's not going to do the product any good.


Yeah, Tito hasn't been relevant in MMA since 2006. And he's always injuring himself. And he's crap on the mic. And his head looks like those yellow plastic things you get in Kinder eggs. There's nothing to be gained for TNA with this.


It's not like Mo and Rampage have set the world alight or gave TNA any real shot in the arm, and they're more relevant than Tito in 2013. So I don't see the point in having Tito around. Unless like Ian said, it's just to promote Bellator. That does nothing for TNA though.


If they really wanted MMA guys in there, they should've done it properly with a stable of Don Frye, Mark Coleman, Keith Hackney and Harold Howard (if he's not still doing time).

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I will start out on a positive note; Styles Vs Aries was a very good match which we'd all expected from seeing the pair go at it in the ring. The ending wasn't fantastic but the match was, I thought. I'd have liked to see the two go at in a longer match instead of a throw away 10 minute match on Impact.


The August 1 Reveal was VERY disappointing. Initially I thought it was Low Ki and thought "for fucksake" but then when I realized it's some 40 year old MMA bloke who was a referee at Hard Justice 2005 I was bitterly more disappointed. So Tito is gonna be either the referee of a match or be an enforcer. Urgh.. I'd have hoped this hype would have been during the middle of the show, have the guy debut and have him squash some Gut Check person in the ring. That's how I'd have liked the reveal to happen with an actual wrestler instead of another MMA bloke.


Once again TNA fails to deliver which is pretty disappointing. This shows the amount of power and control Spike TV have over what TNA is putting out on a weekly basis. They don't understand wrestling, I'd presume they'd say to TNA "We want something like WWE but we want to have an MMA influence because UFC is doing so well". It's not going to mix well, its like chalk and cheese. They are two completely different entities.


Edit: Also there is very little feuds and direction going on in TNA these days. I just don't really understand who is feuding with who anymore. It just seems to be the Bound For Glory series, Knockouts every now and then plus Aces And Eights/MEM

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The best part of last night for me was my usual stream being replaced for the opening 35 minutes of the show by the Teen Hollywood Awards as whoever was in charge of the stream felt that to be a better use of people's time. He was probably right as well, that was more painful than sitting through 3 hours of shit RAW.

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I've given up on Impact so I'm grateful for coming across the reveal on youtube. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=playe...p;v=cRAdWcfpM_Y


Hilariously awkward shit.


Thanks for posting that video, i now dont need to watch Impact on sunday. That was the most awkward ending to a wrestling show that i can remember. Anderson sold it like he had fleas. Angle tried his best to look shocked and everyone else just looked brain dead with their mouths wide open. A terrible reveal that (wrestling wise) had zero to do with the promo that came before it.

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I thought for a minute you'd made a comedy edit where the reactions were just on loop. It went on FOREVER, FOREVER, FOREVER.

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I've given up on Impact so I'm grateful for coming across the reveal on youtube. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=playe...p;v=cRAdWcfpM_Y


Hilariously awkward shit.


Thanks for posting that video, i now dont need to watch Impact on sunday.

The Tito reveal may have been shit but there was some pretty good wrestling on this show. The Aries/Styles match and Sabin/Manik to a lesser extent are worth watching on Sunday. Pretty fun matches those two.

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TNA's seating chart for last night. For those wondering the "X" marks are for the sections that they put the lights down on.



TNA's camera angles are so tight to avoid the empty seats, they might as well be back in the Impact Zone. The attendance isn't much different either.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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did Tito's reveal come before or after the Tito/Rampage fight announcement on Wednesday? before weren't it?


I think Spike/TNA/Bellator have this assumption that everybody that watches the one product watches the other (i guess a decent proportion do) so they are trying to do these cross-over deals. When Bellator cut it's first King Mo promo piece they added a blatant pro wrestling angle in there whilst Mo was shown practicing his pro wrestling stuff. Shoulda guess it was a sign of things to come back then.


...as for the Tito reveal, it was horrible.

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Haven't seen the whole show yet, only the reveal on YouTube. But as others have said, that was one awkwardly bad reveal. There was absolutely NO reaction for Ortiz. Tenay's trying to sell it was pitiful and the other wrestlers reactions were horrible. Although - on a side note - I'm glad Borash was on commentary.


Another nail in TNA's coffin. And I HATE saying it.

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