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Not gonna post any spoilers but tonight was the worse show I've ever attended. For me, any care for TNA completely died after tonight's show. Awful


That's a bit harsh. It was a little haphazard, it dragged at times, a couple of matches were "just there" and I found Total Nonstop Galloway a little tiresome. Seriously, Drew's got to be put into the top babyface spot soon, he was in five segments tonight including the first and the last matches and was involved the interview with Angle to set up his match with Lashley and the post-match shenanigans... it was a bit much. But there were some very worthwhile matches, in particular the tag team and Knockouts title matches. I'm probably a little biased because I only paid a tenner for my ticket, but I thought it was an OK show.


EDIT - I should add, in a moment of typical TNA, the final (dark match?) main event was announced as a 16-person gauntlet match... but only 13 entered.

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I went to last night's show at Wembley - my first TNA show.


In terms of my experience with the company, I followed really closely in the first couple of years but since then have only really followed through occasional matches which have been recomended on here and internet reports.


The show itself was fine (aside from the last two matches which were awful), but from an in ring standpoint nowhere near what I saw at Rev Pro two weeks ago or NXT the month before.


I've read some reports that the Angle/Roode match was very good - for me it also was just fine, in terms of pace and intensity nowhere near what you get from a typical main event match in Evolve, PWG, Progress or Rev Pro (the companies I usually follow).


In terms of the venue, the space they had open was virtually full from what I could see. However, they had around 60% of seats (maybe more) closed off and a large part of the section on the right hand side of the aisle seemed to bizarrely have no seats at all. In comparison to NXT the atmosphere was very quiet, but the audience seemed to largely lack the smarkiness of NXT so maybe that's to be expected.


I will say though, that the show itself was an easy watch. There's very little I found offensive in the ring, but nothing even close to great. I've just watched tonight's show on Challenge and still feel the same - although Matthews and Deniro are so poor they make Cole and Booker T sound like Gorilla & Brain!


A big question for me though is what purpose does the company serve?


It's certainly not got the ring work of an ROH or New Japan. It's miles behind Lucha Underground or even ICW and Progress in terms of an aesthetic vision. The company doesn't seem to want to create new stars in the vein of an Evolve or PWG. And it's blown out of the water in every regard when compared with WWE. The only differentiation I can see when compared to other companies is the six sided ring, which looks kinda cool, but seems difficult to work in - tag matches look awkward, the ropes have next to no give.


They obviously have an audience, especially over here, but the product just seems to be meandering, middle of the road, just fine. It's a shame, as with direction, they have some strong (Beer Money, Gail Kim, EC3, The Wolves, Spud, Mark Andrews, Trevor Lee, Drew Galloway, Eric Young, Matt Hardy... and Grado in the comedy face role role) and a platform which I'm sure many talents from the US and UK would like to perform on. 

Edited by biggs
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A big question for me though is what purpose does the company serve?

The question everyone asks. They could have a purpose if they committed to it. With the finances behind them and their exposure, they could definitely develop talent ready for NXT.

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A cynic would argue they have two purposes: 1. To make a piss-weak copy of WWE and 2. To keep Dixie Carter away from her dad's proper business interests. That they have no purpose is the biggest crime because they make average, not awful, TV, and give a lot of guys regular money (if not regular work). They're just there, and that's the worst thing to be.

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A big question for me though is what purpose does the company serve?

The question everyone asks. They could have a purpose if they committed to it. With the finances behind them and their exposure, they could definitely develop talent ready for NXT.

Judging by the WWE's recruitment policy over the past year or so, they already are.

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You'd think Jeff Hardy would be more careful around January seems to get hurt every year, thats some bad luck  ;)


Reby Sky's boobs look weird, they come to a point


I like the look of Crazzy Steve and the new girl the music fits them well, shame Abyss is part of this looking as shit as always


Matt Hardy is a decent heel hopefully this freshens him up cos everything about him is 2005 as a face, his new music is good too


How big does Shane Helms look, UNO looked tiny, Hurricane always seemed small next to HHH, Rock etc

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Doesn't he get "injured" every year, in/around the time the tour is. I mean I know it's because of a conviction and he can't travel, but do they have to fully write him off every time? They can't just make some other reason up?


I was very surprised he resigned with them this year, and that TNA could afford him, with rumors knocking about they were going to let him go over cost alone.

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One of the things about TNA that drives me nuts is the amount of "Dirtsheets say we have low morale? LOL they know nothing!!!" tweets sent out by the wrestlers.  I know it's partly my fault for following them (although they're retweets in most instances), but for fuck's sake, it's so unnecessary and it's obvious they are being told to tweet that rather than it coming from their own mouths.  I had a falling out with Shane Helms on Twitter the other day because he tore Triple H a new one for hiring AJ, Joe and a few others after apparently telling him for years to hire them.  He's been there, what, a few months?  Josh Matthews is the same, spends a decade with WWE and after a week with TNA he was tweeting everyone who would listen bitching that WWE didn't acknowledge Samoa Joe's time in TNA when he debuted.  It's absolutely pathetic and puts a horrible taste in my mouth.

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He's in his late 40's though to be fair. He's never going to look like he did 15 years ago.

After what he's been through, I'd be shocked if he didn't look fucked.


Its always cool seeing wrestlers in street clothes. Bum bags a rare sight these days though, sadly.

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