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ian bentley ‏@ibentley03 41m

Nice one @IMPACTWRESTLING telling everyone to NOT reveal any participants in tonight's #BritishBootcamp2... Alienate social media! Top job!


Just fucking lol at times....

I don't get what's wrong with them asking that?



In this day and age, you want to create any kind of buzz and excitement that you possibly can.


TNA telling an entire audience to not talk about the show? Or at least the participants. "Oh yeah fantastic show last night! That one UK guy against that smaller UK guy really killed it, he's gonna do big things in TNA is they sign him.... Or her."


I know, I know, name checking a random UK guy will do an iota for TNA's rep but telling an audience to effectively censor themselves has made an apparently negative impression on twitter.

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Boot Camp Contestant



unknown guy was Richard Parliament the wrestling MP. Came in as an unknown and cut a promo that was pretty poor which didn't help him. Was okay but needs work as think the gimmick could be a fun one when he's got more experience and confidence.


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It was a brilliant show - not sure why it wasn't better attended given that it was free?? I'd say around 400 - 500 tops. Revolution Pro can draw nearly double those numbers paid in that building on a regular basis. I wonder if they deliberately didn't advertise it well as they didn't want the results to be talked about too much before it airs? 

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It was a brilliant show - not sure why it wasn't better attended given that it was free?? I'd say around 400 - 500 tops. Revolution Pro can draw nearly double those numbers paid in that building on a regular basis. I wonder if they deliberately didn't advertise it well as they didn't want the results to be talked about too much before it airs? 


When something is free, you're more likely to sack it off if you change your mind because you're not financially invested into it.


Personally, I had a good time there - it was essentially a British wrestling show in a TNA ring with a sneering Al Snow watching from the stage.  I also caught Gail Kim and Samoa Joe marking out a few times, which was amusing to see.

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