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Wrestling Pod Casts / Radio Interviews


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Bauer I could only ever take in small doses at the best of times, can't imagine listening to his own show. I have a soft spot for Lovranski, which seems to be a decreasing opinion of late, but he even if I disagree with him I find him fun to listen to. Agree that the Pollock/Ting combo are aces when it comes to never being overbearing and play off each other well.


Meltzer/Alvarez I think are a better combo with the roles reversed, a la the days of Eyada Observer Live - Dave directing traffic with Alvarez as the counterpoint guy. The host as the straight guy and wise-cracking co-hort is a great dynamic, similar to Sunday Night Submission, a show I listened to once upon a time that was tremendous.

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Alvarez's need to be the third member of Smashy and Nicey has killed that show off. There's hardly ever a Figure 4 Daily anymore, which was a large appeal of the site. Instead, there's that massively shit Wrestling Observer Live, with a load of breaks in discussion, and the discussion is just recapped shite from earlier and a guest who lasts about 5 minutes. The audio on the Observer site has never been worse. Alvarez and Meltzer have no charisma anymore. One is the whacky, yet miserable cunt who never watches any wrestling outside of Raw and the other (Meltzer) is in such a bubble even the most obvious wisecracks fly over his head. Which is fine, because Meltzer being a aspy is what you listen for, but it makes him and Alvarez go off on these disagreements where both dont quite understand what the other is talking about, and the listener is going "JUST MOVE ON!"

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I quite like Observer Live now they cut out the ads, it's lightweight, but that suits me for a daily podcast I can throw on each morning on the way to work. I understand why others wouldn't like that though.


The Observer output overall is still value for money for me, Alvarez doesn't annoy me half as much as it seems to do everyone else, but have to imagine that survey they put out today is going to be full of similar complaints. The website in general is in of a bit of a need of a shake up.

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I quite like Observer Live now they cut out the ads, it's lightweight, but that suits me for a daily podcast I can throw on each morning on the way to work. I understand why others wouldn't like that though.


The Observer output overall is still value for money for me, Alvarez doesn't annoy me half as much as it seems to do everyone else, but have to imagine that survey they put out today is going to be full of similar complaints. The website in general is in of a bit of a need of a shake up.

Last year on the F4W forum, I posted a huge list of things that need to be improved with the main website (design, layout, misalignment & formatting of pasted text, RSS feeds overwriting each other if they have the same date, typos in the polls, etc) - and I got banned by Bryan.

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Seeing as the conversation somewhat veered in this direction, who wins the award for Worst Podcast Person?


Bauer would obviously be in the conversation, but I'd also throw in Pat McNeil from the PWTorch (if he's still around) and the woman on Cornette's show.

Yeah, Alice Radley is the shits. Ruins the show with her fake laughs & insincerity. There's something very smug about her too.

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I like Alvarez. I stopped listening to WOL a few weeks ago and it's improved my podcast life so I guess that was Sempervive dragging it down. Alvarez is your angry best mate and we've all got one of those (I probably am one to most). And he watches tons of wrestling outside Raw.


My favourite WON show is Filthy Four Daily. I couldn't give two shits about MMA or UFC but Tom Lawlor is a great co-host.

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Started listening to the Squared Circle Gazzette's Monday Night War pods. They're a bundle of fun. The timeline from the observer is interesting and there are enough opinions from the panel and the forums to go along with it. It's nice and balanced too despite all of the guys being WWF at heart as most of us Brits probably were. Worth a listen.

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Yeah I was gutted when Todd Martin left F4W and wasn't really interested in him being replaced by an MMA fighter, but Tom Lawlor has been superb.


I gave the Torch a chance for the Todd Martin shows with Keller but I find them really boring. As much as Alvarez arguing with Todd for the sake of it got a little tiresome near the end, Keller and Martin are just too agreeable. It's really bland.


I don't think PW Insider or The Torch can touch the Observer for the quality of their output. That's mainly because of Meltzer, but I still think Alvarez does a good job getting the best of him. Meltzer is never any good on the LAW and I can't stand his 18 hour podcasts with Sempervive where they just go in circles taking 20 minutes to spit out a point - and even then it'll sound like it got recorded underwater and won't get uploaded for half a week because Sempervive has the tech skills of your Nan.

Edited by Benno
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