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Court Bauer is awful. I'm amazed he's still around. His track record is truly abysmal. First he ran a shit promotion, then he worked as a writer for WWE during one of the most barren creative periods in the history of the company, and just recently he masterminded the single worst PPV to ever be sold in the US not named Heores of Wrestling. His only value to the podcasts he's on are shilling his shit and crying over Gary Hart.

Edited by Jizzlobber
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Court Bauer is awful. I'm amazed he's still around. His track record is truly abysmal. First he ran a shit promotion, then he worked as a writer for WWE during one of the most barren creative periods in the history of the company, and just recently he masterminded the single worst PPV to ever be sold in the US not named Heores of Wrestling. His only value to the podcasts he's on are shilling his shit and crying over Gary Hart.


This is wrestling tbf. You get chance after chance if you worked for WWE...even if you are a complete failure...

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It's a shame that Court is so fucking grating, he really brings down John Pollock on their shows but they have decent enough chemistry to keep it going. I'm currently on an anti-news site/ZandigFans run in order to remain spoiler free for PWG's BOLA shows so i've had to listen to the Baurer & Pollock show just to keep up with whats going on. I'm starting to twitch whenever Court speaks now though.

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He's really got an air of self importance about him, like he's some figure of seniority within the sport. His constant name dropping does my head in. You'd think Konnan was Steve Austin the way he goes on.

Edited by Silky Kisser
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"So I'm on my way back to New York this morning from a meeting in Los Angeles about a project I can't really talk about yet and who should call my cellphone but Disco - you know, Disco Inferno..."


Pollock must find him entertaining in an awkward kinda way, otherwise i don't know how he puts up with him.

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And I've always found Pollock to be one of the better podcast people out there, so it's a real shame he wastes his time with Bauer when he could be doing something much more enjoyable. Come to think of it, apart from his shows with Wai Ting, everyone he's associated with is a complete moron. Not just Bauer, but those two clowns on the LAW as well.Ā 

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And I've always found Pollock to be one of the better podcast people out there, so it's a real shame he wastes his time with Bauer when he could be doing something much more enjoyable. Come to think of it, apart from his shows with Wai Ting, everyone he's associated with is a complete moron. Not just Bauer, but those two clowns on the LAW as well.


Its easy to throw insults at Agnew and Lovranski but these two grind my gears twofold for the most part which is frustrating. Only really tune in for Meltzer, but even Dave gives very little away each week which is the norm


I partly get the criticism of Bauer on here, I do. But I've come to enjoy most of the content he's put out there on his shows for the most part. It's Konnan who's an absolute arsehole talking over people more frequently than any other podcast contributor that irritates me on their stuff.

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