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Just to drop this in here, the new Squared Circle Gazette Radio is up, as we talk all the major stories coming out of NXT, Summerslam and Raw this past week, and discuss all the possibilities moving forward. With a focus on mixed feelings on Brock Vs. Taker, a passionate debate on the realities of women's wrestling in NXT and WWE, Seth Rollins' title run, the fate of Kevin Owens and Cesaro, the absolute greatness of the New Day, great matches, interesting angles, WrestleMania 32 projections and much more, a rare "lay of the land" show, check it out and let us know what you think!



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dude I love your show as mentioned but Karl I think(?) saying Cena v Rollins was the match of the 3 nights?..........FUUUUCK OFFFFF

Yeah, G disagrees with him on that later in the show. Was a hell of a match though.


It had some crisp wrestling for sure and was definitely impressive on the whole, but Jon Stewart shit all over it. He's not a tough looking celebrity like a Tyson obviously or even an Amell (who himself looked well out of place next to the wrestlers) who should be going anywhere near the ring! Seeing this pudgy fucker I had no investment waddling to the ring with a chair in hand really was the overriding factor for me and it did spoil it. Where do you even draw the line? If Snoop Dogg or whoever is a guest at Wrestlemania do I have to second guess them now? Are they gonna be the decisive factor in the main event? Just left such a bad taste, Not to mention Stewart made a completely ham-arsed job of his role as well. I don't wanna dislike this Stewart guy as I hear he's had a nice career taking the piss out of republicans but I wasn't exposed to him in the slightest - America has too many chatshow hosts to keep track of (that's a point, will Ellen Degeneres be a deciding factor in a match one day??) yeah just think the ending really sucked. Also considering Cena's already AA'd the guy and that's pretty much the end of it, just comes off as something they did for gawker shares or what-the-fuck-ever and I don't like that aspect, especially for a title vs god damn title match. An ending I'll probably call on for a long time to come as being one of my least favourite finishes to a match.

If they did the Flair thing you guys discussed it could've been great actually. As it was Flair was bought out on Raw looking like a bit of a non-entity


Having this anywhere near Bayley v Sasha is a farce though! I know women's wrestling is not exactly all you guys' forte but c'mon!! I'd rank pretty much every Takeover match above it, I'd rank Brock-Taker way above it, I'd rank Cesaro-Owens and even the 4-way tag titles above this too, in terms of overall measured enjoyment anyway.


Even if Jon Stewart conveniently evaporated into thin air before the match, and Cena and Rollins had to work out some crazy All Japan-esque finish...still not touching Bayley/Sasha in the slightest for me

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For all the ups and downs of the weekend though, one of the most annoying things was the guy in the front row in the green shirt at all 3 shows who didn't seem to react to anything. Didn't matter what was unfolding in front of him, bloke looked miserable.

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Pretty much agree across the board - I don't need a clean finish for a match to be considered great, but it has to go somewhere, and building up the match the way they did for an out of nowhere finish that was blown off 24 hours later didn't do it for me either. I guess the issue is that no finish was going to be considered the right one going in. But as an overall start to finish presentation, Bayley Vs. Sasha was my favourite match of the weekend. The kicking the injured hand as she was going for the ropes on the Bank Statement was fantastic, such a great touch.

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Sj5522's outrage at the 700000th Cena vs Rollins match being marred by outside interference is more entertaining than anything on the shows was.


Meltzer thought that match was amazing as well so this Karl fella isn't on his own. I wasn't a fan of it at all. Cena wasn't on great form for me and the Rollins stunt show is a bit counterproductive.

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Russo got owned by Flair on Woo Nation podcast this week. Russo was throwing in his usual catchphrases and giving extended, rambling answers. When he got onto why Ric Flair was buried in the desert. He had a massive speech about how the legends of WCW were not being used properly, so he decided they were all going to be taken off TV and then brought back after an extended period of time and form a supergroup like the Avengers. 3 months into the story (the wrestling storyline, not Russo's anecdote), Russo was relieved of booking duties and they went in a different direction and he says Flair was brought back to TV the next week with no reasoning.


Once he's finished Flair says "Vince you missed out one point. 2 weeks after the desert you told me to come to TV because Funk quit. Do you remember that?" & Russo sheepishly said no but that it was probably true and then went on about the Avengers again.



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Flair did say he thought it was Funk but it could have been someone else in a commisioner type role. He just remembers having a big argument with Russo because he wanted him back on TV 2 weeks after the desert angle. He could have got TV confused with house shows. Had a look on CageMatch & he's down for having World Title matches with Bret Hart mid November which is odd.

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How'a Flair's podcast now? I only listened a few of the first ones and droppped off with it.


Is the MLW podcast worth a listen in terms of the interviews they do?

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Flair's is generally decent at worst though most of it is him getting guests to talk about how much drinking he did and how much money he spent. That's not necessarily a bad think though.


MLW (in terms of the free show) is incredibly hit and miss depending on who's presenting. Generally I enjoy MSL and Konnan but struggle to tolerate Court Bauer. Alex Greenfield is an instant delete if I see his name on the listing. Ed Ferrara and Disco Inferno pop up less frequently and their quality depends on who they're on with.


On a related point I've just had to delete the second OSW review in a row because it's Maffew co-presenting. He doesn't fit the tone of the shows at all. The other guys are so reserved and naturally funny and he's just... well, not.

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