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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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Didn't Animal do the side of his leg in during the entrance to Summerslam 1992? Sure I heard that Hawk parked his bike a bit funny, which meant that Animal had to as well. Animal gets off his cycle and rips his leg, and his tights open, on something from Hawk's bike. Way Animal tells it, it was pretty serious.


Apparently Hawk was really off his head in that match so it wouldn't be surprising.

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Didn't Animal do the side of his leg in during the entrance to Summerslam 1992? Sure I heard that Hawk parked his bike a bit funny, which meant that Animal had to as well. Animal gets off his cycle and rips his leg, and his tights open, on something from Hawk's bike. Way Animal tells it, it was pretty serious.


The version I remember was Hawk parked too close to Animal's bike so he had to get off on the wrong side of the bike. As he got off, his leg was against the engine which was so hot it melted his tights or boots to his leg.

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Just been reminded how incredibly under-rated Stevie Richards was as a promo guy and performer.


Yeah, this promo wouldn't work on TV now, it's too long etc. but I still think it's a hell of a good wrestling promo.




Used to love Stevie's mic work in ECW and as the leader of the Right to Censor as well as his more recent Dr Stevie stuff in TNA.


A truly under-rated performer, in my opinion.

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Angelo Poffo and Randy Savage left him a shit load of money. He's divorced pre-massive income and he spends his days fucking about. He's an obvious weirdo, but he can afford to be. One of wrestlings success stories really. Still having money and hair in your 50s is the ultimate goal for any wrestler. Way bigger than WrestleMania.

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  • Paid Members
Didn't Animal do the side of his leg in during the entrance to Summerslam 1992? Sure I heard that Hawk parked his bike a bit funny, which meant that Animal had to as well. Animal gets off his cycle and rips his leg, and his tights open, on something from Hawk's bike. Way Animal tells it, it was pretty serious.


Just went back to watch the entrances of this match to see if you can see anything of this (you can't), but my word Ted DiBiase looks swish in all-white trunks, kneepads and boots. I'm of the opinion wrestlers usually do look good in all-white, but Ted is on a whole other level.

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He does strike me as a veritable nutcase. Is his recent shoot available to watch anywhere? I'm interested to see whose book he said should have been called "Confessions of a Lying Cunt".

Linda Hogans book. My favourite was the poem about his talent he gave to us:

There once was a man from Nantucket: Whose dick was so long he could suck it. And he said with a grin: As he wiped off his chin,: "If my ear were a cunt, I would fuck it".
Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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  • Awards Moderator
Didn't Animal do the side of his leg in during the entrance to Summerslam 1992? Sure I heard that Hawk parked his bike a bit funny, which meant that Animal had to as well. Animal gets off his cycle and rips his leg, and his tights open, on something from Hawk's bike. Way Animal tells it, it was pretty serious.


Just went back to watch the entrances of this match to see if you can see anything of this (you can't), but my word Ted DiBiase looks swish in all-white trunks, kneepads and boots. I'm of the opinion wrestlers usually do look good in all-white, but Ted is on a whole other level.


Jacob Novak would have agreed with you on that. Novak, we hardly knew ye.


BRING BACK JACOB. In all-white gear.

Edited by HarmonicGenerator
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No real reason but here's some thoughts from Ian Rotten on his former wrestlers' performances at TLC


Wanna send out big ups to IWA MS alumni Tyler Black and John Moxley in their wrestling debuts in WWE. I thought they participated in the best match of the night and were the stars of the match. Moxley with great selling and facial expressions and Tyler just a big bumping machine. I thought Claudio had a really good match with R Truth... I personally feel that Ron is an underused talent and I thought Claudio's promo after the match was delivered superbly. It may just be the mark in me, but I don't see how anybody could not like John Cena. This guy toes the company line time and time again, gives himself back to the people that made him a star, not to mention his charity work with the Make A Wish foundation and he works his off each and every match. I watched the Pay Per View with James at a local church that shows it... it's so much fun to watch wrestling with non smart fans. When AJ turned on Cena tonight, this older lady behind me said "Why, AJ?! Why?!?! He kissed you with such passion!" Then the woman she's with said "Cause she's a crazy bitch!" then I turned around to view this conversation and the kid that's with them is crying! To which James Christopher looks at me and shakes his head. I guess it's still real to them, dammit!


I first saw Black/Rollins in IWA Mid South and actually never saw any of his stuff in ROH. Always loved the guy from everything I saw of him and it's so cool to see him in the big leagues now. Interesting to see Rotten's thoughts on Cena too. Rather contrary to what I'd imagined they'd be.


And for no particular reason other than it being awesome, here again is Seth Rollins doing a moonsault off the ample abdominal region of a fan in the audience:


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The Miz and Del Rio face turns have been pretty rubbish. If they really want Del Rio to get over as a baby by using Ricardo they should have them become an actual tag team. Make them a proper comedy unit, Del Rio as the straight man who can take care of business in the ring. Do some vignettes with Del Rio training Ricardo up. I reckon a tag title chase with them could be a great story and they'd be great opposing The Prime Time Players.

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