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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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Concerning some films/TV shows being "total pro wrestling", sometimes the truth is stranger than fiction. I'm thinking of the Ayrton Senna/Alain Prost feud in 'Senna' which depicted their real life rivalry. It had it all - promos to the camera, Senna chewing out the Gene Okerlund figure of Jackie Stewart, a dodgy commissioner running the federation, back and forth victories...class.

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I'm not watching regularly but I'm of the understanding that The Shield are using a handicam for backstage promo's? That's bloody ace, it adds a huge amount to their characters and a little bit of an edge.

They are, and with nwo-style jump cuts. Which is fine, except the jump cuts continued even when they were 'live' on the big screen arguing with Kane and Bryan.

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Tatanka's TV debut was against Tanaka. They'd never let something like that get through the net these days.

Maven worked Raven in 2002 on Raw, but I seem to recal the announcers just made a bit of a joke about it.

Did Hogan ever go on Wogan?

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Tatanka's TV debut was against Tanaka. They'd never let something like that get through the net these days.

Maven worked Raven in 2002 on Raw, but I seem to recal the announcers just made a bit of a joke about it.

Did Hogan ever go on Wogan?




I recall Hogan explaining that Mr Nanny was a family comedy and not an action film, he used the phrase "it's not Mr Nanny, looking for some fanny" which confused the shit out of Wogan. I believe Wogan then explained quietly in his ear what "fanny" meant in England.

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Read this and loved it. What do you lot think of this fantasy booking from Fat Scooter Keith on The Shield between now and Mania:


Kane & Bryan was a rare case of pulling the trigger at exactly the right time but they've run their course as champions, and they need to switch the belts to the Shield ASAP and let them do the Freebird thing with them.


I would have them fuck over the Rock's title match (because of the injustice of Rock getting an unearned title shot) and seemingly reveal their allegiance to CM Punk, but that's just me. Just by interacting with Rock they'd immediately jump another 15 notches up the ladder. Then you do Shield v. Rock & Cena for the tag titles at Elimination Chamber and that's where THE MEGAPOWERS EXPLODE to set up the Wrestlemania rematch. Honestly, I'm liking the Punk's title reign v. Undertaker's streak idea at Wrestlemania more and more and I think they should just go with that instead of giving it to Rock.


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We've seen the enemies holding the belts things loads of times. Without the belt on the line, another Cena vs Rock match would be really uninteresting to me. The only way you can credibly get around that "Once In A Lifetime" tag is if the belt brought them together for a match as well. Adding to that if it was Streak vs the belt, that means Undertaker would have to stay around and drop it, which is far from ideal. CM Punk having the belt for 18 months only for Undertaker to beat him and then have Taker drop the belt at the next pay-per-view to someone else sounds a bit 2009, after how they've build the belt up. They sort of telegraphed a big win for Cena in 2013, with Punk bringing up how 2012 was a pretty shit year for Cena. He's lost so many times this year in big matches, surely that points to him leaving the biggest show of the year with the belt.


Unless Cena turns heel on the Rock at Royal Rumble forcing Duke to remove his sig.

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Check this out. Just found it online. Its a spread for SummerSlam 92. I remember the EXACT article from when I was a kid. I remember reading it on my Nana's couch one afternoon. Animal wearing black shoulder pads has been burned in my head for two decades now, and its exactly how I remember it. Proper trip down memory lane this.



EDIT: Just noticed they are gold shoulder pads from the event. A 6 year old Ian and current day Ian are still confused by sunlight and common sense.


On a less happy note, here's a picture of Davey Boy a week before he died. He looks so different to the last time we saw him onscreen.


Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Didn't Animal do the side of his leg in during the entrance to Summerslam 1992? Sure I heard that Hawk parked his bike a bit funny, which meant that Animal had to as well. Animal gets off his cycle and rips his leg, and his tights open, on something from Hawk's bike. Way Animal tells it, it was pretty serious.

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