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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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Because he can't do movez~!


I'm kidding of course. There's a reason why he's the top guy. It's just people will have s whinge about pretty much anything for the sake of it. I was something yesterday about some complaints about results in the Cruiserweight Classic, and that's not even aired yet

Edited by WyattSheepMask
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To be fair Cena puts on epic matches but some times he looks very clumsy and has two left feet and maybe that's how they don't think he can wrestle but obviously he can and has carried atrocious wresters to decent matches.


Roman Reigns isn't clumsy or anything, hits all his moves perfectly but his big matches are not as epic as Cena's probably if he spent 6 months in ROH doing the exact same stuff, he wouldn't get any of that he's one of Vince's boys let's boo him

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Reigns is definitely the new Cena with all that "you can't wrestle" shit. Even if they turn Reigns I think the crowd reaction to him will always be 50/50 now.

The thing is with Cena was that people genuinely thought he was a shit wrestler - there's no way they can genuinely think that about Reigns, he's been putting on belters for years.

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I could be remembering it wrong, but didn't the tug-tugs love Cena as the Protoype in OVW?

He was liked by the hardcore who got OVW TV tapes back then more because of his vignettes and promos with Kenny Bolin which were very funny. He was already the best promo they had outside Cornette and Bolin there and had a ton of charisma which made him stand out.

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I've been reminded that Matt Morgan was a thing twice today, he had the size, look and athletic ability but couldn't connect in the slightest.


In regards to OVW, Ron Waterman was the next Goldberg/Stone Cold.

Edited by Merzbow
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