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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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I'm sure I've seen one on Raw or Smackdown in the last couple of weeks. A divas match, I think, and it ended up in a submission somehow?

Wasn't there a fucked up Crucifix at Fastlane in the Divas title match?


I always wanted someone to pull off a crucifix from a Clothesline From Hell to win the match.

Edited by Teedy Kay
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Like the Bulldog used to?

YES!!! Loved it...never actually ended in a pin mind...



Smithers successfully pinned The Warlord with a crucifix at Tuesday In Texas. I think there was a Coliseum tape where he pinned Haku with it too (a match taped at a TV marathon taping, not the much-fapped over Mega Matches match from MSG).

Edited by air_raid
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Like the Bulldog used to?

YES!!! Loved it...never actually ended in a pin mind...

Smithers successfully pinned The Warlord with a crucifix at Tuesday In Texas. I think there was a Coliseum tape where he pinned Haku with it too (a match taped at a TV marathon taping, not the much-fapped over Mega Matches match from MSG).

Funnily enough I watched TIT Tonight the first time since Sky showed it. Other then the Crucifix pin the other things that stood out were Hogan's heel tactics and the Macho/Jake aftermath which may have been longer then the match

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Hi WWE, it's me. I have a proposal for you. I am prepared to attend all of your live televised and pay per view events. I'm even prepared to sit at ringside. All you have to do is give me free tickets. Deal?

I'm sure many have tried it but it works the other way around...hibwe will give you free tickets if you sit and promote the show and don't bring your obsessive ugly cousin.


I don't know as Onyx said about the openess about the freebie but a friend of mine through her job gets free stuff and always says thanks for the free shit in not so many words online.

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The Dreamer character is one of my favourites. He looks like shit and he's average at best in ring. However, I don't watch wrestling for hammerlocks or nicely executed sequences. I watch wrestling for the characters and the Dreamer/Raven stuff is up there with the introduction of Kane in terms of shit hot storytelling for me.

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Dreamer - like Sandman, Raven, RVD and more - never made it out of ECW for me. When ECW closed, those guys stopped existing. It's a much easier life thinking that. Assuming you like ECW, that is. And probably even if you don't, actually.

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Come on herbie, you used a picture of Tommy Dreamer to show the state of him and didn't use this picture?




Dreamer looks class there. AJ looks like a child being carried home after his Dad caught him letting the lasses from school put make up on him.

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Dreamer - like Sandman, Raven, RVD and more - never made it out of ECW for me. When ECW closed, those guys stopped existing. It's a much easier life thinking that. Assuming you like ECW, that is. And probably even if you don't, actually.

I'd disagree with you on the RVD front.


Raven done alright in WCW too.

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Dreamer never bothered me but I keep forgetting how ever present he was during Raws period of finding its feet in the brand split. He was seemingly one of their main midcarders in 2002.


2002 Raw was horrifying. People go on about 2003 but Evolution were the saving grace of that landfill of a show.

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