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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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I would imagine that the door being an escape option was there for the very same reason that they started using the big blue bars instead of regular mesh style cages  - because a fair few of their talents at the time were huge bloody monsters who weren't likely to be able to get over the top of the cage. The blue bars at least allowed some of them to climb up for a bit of drama on the inside, but guys like Bundy, Akeem, Big John Studd and that lot weren't ever getting over the top very easily.


It's an odd one because looking at it sensibly, the escape through the door rule for winning is ridiculous, as you really could win the first time you get your opponent down and it's also realistically the only way you'd try to escape (climbing is for idiots). But within the bubble of "wrestling logic" the door is a great device for creating tension. Think of all the great spots around the face climbing over while the heel crawls to the door, or shenanigans with the door being held shut or slammed into someone's head when a face tries to escape thanks to tag partners or managers on the outside. Loads of those 80s cage matches ended with drama surrounding people trying to get through the door. They made it work, even if there were massive logic holes.

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Oh, the psychology of the cage match... never done right anymore.


The door should really only be there for a heel to leave through. The reason being that it takes such a longer amount of time to summon the referee, unlock the padlock, unthread the chain, pull the bolt, and open the door that only a heel would be cocky enough to think he's incapacitated his opponent enough to try it. Plus, it's a dick move - the people have paid to see you climb that cage!

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Yeah. You can't overthink cage matches or they quickly all fall apart, except for the Owen/Bret one.

There's no roof on the dam thing, so it isn't even a cage. But you try marketing a Steel Pen match



"Tonight, in the main event, the WWE Title will be on the line...  in an INCONVENIENTLY PLACED FENCE PANELS MATCH!!!!"

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I would imagine that the door being an escape option was there for the very same reason that they started using the big blue bars instead of regular mesh style cages  - because a fair few of their talents at the time were huge bloody monsters who weren't likely to be able to get over the top of the cage. The blue bars at least allowed some of them to climb up for a bit of drama on the inside, but guys like Bundy, Akeem, Big John Studd and that lot weren't ever getting over the top very easily.


It's an odd one because looking at it sensibly, the escape through the door rule for winning is ridiculous, as you really could win the first time you get your opponent down and it's also realistically the only way you'd try to escape (climbing is for idiots). But within the bubble of "wrestling logic" the door is a great device for creating tension. Think of all the great spots around the face climbing over while the heel crawls to the door, or shenanigans with the door being held shut or slammed into someone's head when a face tries to escape thanks to tag partners or managers on the outside. Loads of those 80s cage matches ended with drama surrounding people trying to get through the door. They made it work, even if there were massive logic holes.

true that.

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When was the last time that original blue/black cage used in WWE? I think the last time I can remember seeing it was at Rebellion 2001 for an Edge V Christian match.


That's the last one I remember as well. They'd been using the better cage for a while by then, but they must have had one of the old ones over here. Rock and Triple H had a match in the old cage at Rebellion 1999 too.


I think the first instance of the newer style cage might have been Kane vs Triple H on Raw in early '99, but Vince and Austin used the old cage a couple of weeks later on PPV -- probably due to Vince's physical limitations.

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When was the last time that original blue/black cage used in WWE? I think the last time I can remember seeing it was at Rebellion 2001 for an Edge V Christian match.


That's the last one I remember as well. They'd been using the better cage for a while by then, but they must have had one of the old ones over here. Rock and Triple H had a match in the old cage at Rebellion 1999 too.


I think the first instance of the newer style cage might have been Kane vs Triple H on Raw in early '99, but Vince and Austin used the old cage a couple of weeks later on PPV -- probably due to Vince's physical limitations.



Wasn't it so they could rig it to swing open when Big Show slammed Austin through the side?

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There's a clip on the wwe twitter of Charlotte and ziggler playing cricket in street clothes. It's it's only length of hair that gives away who is who

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Wasn't it so they could rig it to swing open when Big Show slammed Austin through the side?

Ah, yes! I dunno why I didn't think of that as a factor, they've never done that stunt with the modern cage so it probably was that. Although they could've done the cage wall collapsing like that time Lashley dived into it.

Edited by King Pitcos
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