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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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ā€œFirst the Worst, Second the Bestā€ Match


The object is to get pinned by your opponent. Of course, the only way make your opponent pin you is to knock them unconscious then drape them across you for the 1-2-3.


The idea can also be extended to Battle Royals where the object is to chuck yourself over the top rope with both feet hitting the floor. The last person remaining is fired so you have to try and stop others jumping out.


Iā€™m gonna give Dixie a call, bro.

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Just watched Smackdown, Owens entrance when he took just a couple of seconds to look at the Christmas tree and presents on the stage, shake his head like "what the fuck is this shit" :laugh:


Also from Smackdown, Michael Cole, his phony stutter makes me wanna punch the screen, "NO NO NO NO NO, OWENS THROWN INTO THE CHRISTMAS TREES", fucking hell steady on.

Edited by Ambulance Chaser
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Just watched Smackdown, Owens entrance when he took just a couple of seconds to look at the Christmas tree and presents on the stage, shake his head like "what the fuck is this shit" :laugh:


But Owens is supposed to be a miserable twat. He doesn't like anyone or anything, it's part of his gimmick.

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Just watched Smackdown, Owens entrance when he took just a couple of seconds to look at the Christmas tree and presents on the stage, shake his head like "what the fuck is this shit" :laugh:


Also from Smackdown, Michael Cole, his phony stutter makes me wanna punch the screen, "NO NO NO NO NO, OWENS THROWN INTO THE CHRISTMAS TREES", fucking hell steady on.


Agreed. Michael Cole's stutter is THE worst thing ever about commentary.... "KING! IS THAT... IS.. IS.. ISĀ THAT.. KING IS THAT WHO I THINK IT IS...." anytime someone makes a comeback, or even just appears during a segment.... every fucking time "is that... who is that... is that who I think it is... you gotta be kinding me!!!" 'stuffs one-sheet-o-plenty' down his pants*

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I've got to the point where I don't mind Wrestle Talk TV but... cannot stand Alex Shane. Every time he appears, I just feel an audible groan coming on. Interviewing Kurt Angle a few weeks ago with a long-rambling intro about how he was with Daniel Bryan when he saw Angle's debut in TNA. Just shameless name dropping.

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I'm reading the Attitude book and there's a little bit in it about a phantom storyline of D-Lo turning on the Nation and joining DX. D-Lo never knew anything about it, but it turned up in a trivia game and a calendar. I'd never heard of this before, or not remembered it at least. I can't even think how it would end up in merchandise unless the things were finalised at a time when Vince was set on the plan, but changed his mind by the next tv taping.

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I had the Fabulous Rougeaus theme 'All American Boys' on my running playlist which inspired me to go back and watch some of their stuff. That was a hell of a gimmick, and surprisingly nuanced for 80's WWF, and although Jaques is more well known I loved Raymond as the prick heel.Ā 

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