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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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Sky really started in 1989, at least the multi-channel setup started that year and it was heavily promoted. WWF was one of the main things people bought it for, that and the movie channels. It didn't REALLY take off until they got the Premier League from the 92/93 season (coincedentally 2 weeks before SummerSlam '92).


The Sky multi-channels package didn't start until September '93 from this date you had to pay for Sky 1 etc. Before this date the only channels that were encrypted was Sky Movies and The Movie Channel. And yeah they moved the PPV's over to Sky Sports from August '92 once Sky Sports became another premium channel.

I had cable tv in 87 and they showed wwf superstars on a Saturday from that time period and on a Thursday from 86, as well as all the SNME's from the start. There was no such thing as sky movies or sky sports then, it was the sky chanell which showed everything with bout 10 other channels. Edited by Porkchopcash
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He's one of the worst wrestlers ever, IMO, too. Can't be arsed with the 10 minute stall at the beginning.

I liked him as a wrestler. Sure, looked like James Belushi's big brother, but he always looked tough and believable, and was able to do a balanced mix of entertainment and "wrasslin".

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I loved the LOD growing up but bloody hell, the no selling was a bit ott at times wasn't it?

Randomly watching the Raw episode after Cold Day in Hell 97, and Hawk gets straight up after PG-13 give him a spike piledriver. I know it was only PG-13 and no selling a clothesline is fine, but a spike piledriver?

Edited by garynysmon
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I loved the LOD growing up but bloody hell, the no selling was a bit ott at times wasn't it?

Randomly watching the Raw episode after Cold Day in Hell 97, and Hawk gets straight up after PG-13 give him a spike piledriver. I know it was only PG-13 and no selling a clothesline is fine, but a spike piledriver?

Was this a thing of Hawk's? Didn't he get in a bit of trouble for no selling and getting straight up after facing Kane and RVD who were tag champs at the time in 2003?

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Yes, that was a sort of tryout match they had when hoping to get back in to WWE.


Hawk jumping up fresh as a daisy after taking the Five Star Frog Splash did not help their cause and they were not offered a deal.

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They are both known for having been cunts with their no selling. Got away with it in their prime, obviously hawk still thought he was hot shit when he was part of a nostalgia act with heidenreich.


Edit: oh was this later I was thinking about? I get mixed up with timelines.


Edit again: hawks actually the one who died isn't he? Fuck me, my memory is awful.

Edited by Chest Rockwell
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No-selling the piledriver was always cock. A punch, a clothesline, you're hard, we get it. A piledriver was a legitmate finish at the time, I hated Hawk brushing it off.

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I remember seeing the Road Warriors vs. The Steiners in the early 90s; the Steiners hit a piledriver in the first few minutes, and the RW they hit with it just no-sold it.

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I remember seeing the Road Warriors vs. The Steiners in the early 90s; the Steiners hit a piledriver in the first few minutes, and the RW they hit with it just no-sold it.

There's also a wonderful moment in their Starrcade 89 match though where Scott Steiner rolls through Hawk with a leglock. The whole thing is quick and a flash and there's not a thing Hawk could do about it. He looks petrified. The match went off without a hitch, but I think that moment was just Scott reminding Hawk not to get too big for his boots.
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Big "what if" here, but "if" HBK vs Mr Perfect was the match it had the potential to be and "if" Luger had won the title, would Summerslam 1993 be remembered as one of the best PPVs ever?


Great undercard on the show. A fantastic tag title match. A great little match with Doink vs Bret along with all the Lawler shenanigans. New blood Razor Ramon going over the veteran dibiase in the opener. Borger being made to look strong.


Its no WM17, but for 1993 they pulled this one out of the bag. Could have been oh so perfect.


**sub note** For everyone's own sanity, we can pretend Taker didn't have a match on this show.

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**sub note** For everyone's own sanity, we can pretend Taker didn't have a match on this show.


It's not out of the ordinary though. Undertaker was plodding, boring shit for years. Until 96 or 97 depending who you ask.

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Speaking of Mr Perfect from '93 his matches at Mania and SummerSlam were dire even though one of the opponents was Michaels but his semi final match with Bret at KOTR was cracking.   Looking back Taker didn't really do much between 1993-1996 that was worth talking about.

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