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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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No matter how I try and analyse Wolves, the closest is probably Eugene.

Nah, Wolves are Harley Race.


A truly epic force in it's heyday, faced bankruptcy, faded into a mild non-existence, came back into the limelight fold, but only really to prop up and aid the progression of other talent. Then disappeared again, restructured to begin training young talent as a business plan.

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Been trying to think who MK Dons are for a while now. Just a complete scourge who shouldn't really be there. Russo?


Russo's a good shout here. I can't think of anybody else.



See my earlier post RE CM Punk ;)

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Well, not sure I could watch it again for a while, but I couldn't take my eyes off it when it came on this morning.


Also, nearly 25 years on, there can't be many matches better than Savage/Warrior from the same event?


A great story from start to finish, from Warrior walking to the ring instead of his usual sprint, Warrior kicking out of 5 flying elbows, Warrior thinking his time was up and going to walk out of the match, pinning Savage with 1 foot, Sherri going mental on Savage, all the way to Savage and Liz reuniting at the end.


Brilliant stuff.

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