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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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Article on Cracked the other day, 5 True Stories That Will Restore Your Faith In Famous People. The first bit is all about John Cena's efforts to meet as many Make A Wish kids as possible. What a man.



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I can't decide which ppv poster I like best: Backlash 2009 or Payback 2015.


I'm going with the Backlash poster because Randy looks sexier in that one.

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I mentioned it in another thread, but I've been journeying through the 1996 Nitro's and I get such a kick out of Woman during the Horsemen interviews with Mean Gene, constantly touching him up, it's absolutely hilarious. She's a performer I've never really given much thought too, but she had some interesting runs when you look at her overall career, she seems underrated, unless that's just my perception.


While were on it, the 96 Horsemen are the biz, Flair, Arn, Mongo & Benoit are ace together with Flair's harem of lasses. Flair being Flair, it heavily implies that Liz is banging him, Arn Anderson delivering brilliant promos, Mongo being a nutjob and them all just pissing themselves quaffing food and champagne on Elizabeth's divorce money from Savage. Aces.

Edited by WWFChilli
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There's an awesome Flair moment when Benoit first joins up with the Horsemen. I can't remember the exact episode (it's in either May or June ) but they are all say in Flair's VIP section and Benoit, for the first time since he joined WCW, utters the words "silent but violent" and Flair practically ejaculates with excitement. Flair was fucking brilliant back then

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I'd echo that sentiment. I read it on a train journey and it was a great way to pass the time.Clearly didn't have any proper proofreading or anything, but the errors don't distract from the stories. In terms of value, it's one of the best wrestling books.

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Lance Russell looks fantastic for his age on the Lawler doc. He'll live forever seemingly, and I can't think of anything I want to happen more than that. 89 and still sharp as a tack. Here he is presenting a Memphis Memories doc on TV this year with Dave Brown (who also looks great), he's not lost a step broadcasting either. 




I bet if he started announcing again he'd still be one of the best too.

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JR, Michael Cole and Kevin Kelly make a really smooth announce team on the first Raw of 1998. Don't remember them being that good.

Agreed. Whats the story behind the Shane and Cornette Raw announce team on an episode in Sep 1998.


1998 WWF is fascinating.

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JR, Michael Cole and Kevin Kelly make a really smooth announce team on the first Raw of 1998. Don't remember them being that good.

Agreed. Whats the story behind the Shane and Cornette Raw announce team on an episode in Sep 1998.


1998 WWF is fascinating.



I think that was when JR and Lawler were off shooting Man On The Moon.

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