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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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100% agree. I hate turning on the shows now to just see the same ugly wall of light and ring colour scheme.


Thinking about it outside of wrestlemania, what was the last ppv to have an original set....Rumble 2014. The last I recall was payback 2013


Set give such a unique feel when done right, even something like the tribute to the troops with the airplane entrance way

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Smack em Whack em has two good Bret matches.


Brawl In The Family, while mostly a bit crap, has the no-DQ match that Hitman had with Owen on a March '95 Raw, and THAT match with the Kid from July '94. If you're after a Coliseum tape with the best of Bret, I'd go for that one. More than his profile tapes, in fact.

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About the sets, don't they have all the old stuff in storage in the WWE warehouse? It'd be worth dusting off some of it, I reckon. Of course, no one spends money on a PPV because of the set, that's a ridiculous way to view things. Thing is, in the current climate, everything blends together when it looks the same, it makes the overall product bland and stale. If I mention Wrestlemania 21, you can immediately picture the show in your head, with the distinctive Hollywood theme. If I mention Summerslam 2014, can you recall the atmosphere?You'd think WWE, with all their production capabilities, could see the value in aesthetics, and there's no need to reinvent the whee.

They'd probably have a thing about old sets not looking any good in HD.

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Exactly what I think. The PPV specific setups used to be ace. The closest we get now is a few tables ladders and chairs thrown around for the TLC PPV


I liked the shoddy ones in 1999. Like at Summerslam 99 it was just a bunch of cranes and tractors. I think they're important. Makes the event feel special.


Agree, I loved the unique PPV set ups and always used to look forward to what they would look like on the day.


Some personal Favourites 

 Royal Rumble 2000 Street Set for the Street Fight and the taxi cab looming over


Backlash Swinging Blades


and King of the Ring 2001 Chair

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Exactly what I think. The PPV specific setups used to be ace. The closest we get now is a few tables ladders and chairs thrown around for the TLC PPV

I liked the shoddy ones in 1999. Like at Summerslam 99 it was just a bunch of cranes and tractors. I think they're important. Makes the event feel special.

Agree, I loved the unique PPV set ups and always used to look forward to what they would look like on the day.


Some personal Favourites

Royal Rumble 2000 Street Set for the Street Fight and the taxi cab looming over


Backlash Swinging Blades


and King of the Ring 2001 Chair

Ah yes the swinging blades! Up there with my favourite ever setups. I miss Backlash. Great name for a PPV.
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What were amongst the best "coliseum home video exclusive" vhs tapes from the 80's and 90's for pure match quality ?


Wham Bam Bodyslam doesn't get much love but it has Bret & Davey v. Owen & Anvil, Razor v JJ for the IC belt and Bret v Owen in a lumberjack match for the WWF Title


Bloopers, Bleeps and Bodyslams has Owen v Rick Martel from late-93, Razor & Marty v IRS & Diesel and Shawn and Marty in a cage


Wrestlefest 94 is brilliant. Shrinkers v Kid & Marty for the tag belts is very underrated, as is Diesel v Bret from before Mania X. Razor v Shawn is a good match and the Harts/Steiners tag is off the charts


I liked Inside the WWF too - Shawn & Diesel v Razor & Marty is a good match, Bret/Yoko in the cage is one of their better outings


I love me some Coliseum Home videos because each one (in my opinion) has a match worth watching, either for quality or historical content - some of the combinations you got would be considered dream matches between two guys that never feuded in WWF.

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What's her deal, anyway?


She's absolutely obsessed with wrestling but not in a normal, 'my dad's a wrestler' way. She's a bit creepy with it, like an over zealous fan with no inside track whatsoever.


Also, she's hot as all hell yet she's ratting for some skinny super fan? What the fuck is that?

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Just been watching Tuesday In Texas....the whole Jake Roberts/Macho Man story is phenomenal. From the wedding reception angle right up to the ending with the 3 DDT's ( my all-time favourite finisher) to his slapping Liz in the face and his promo afterwards, Jake was at his greatest here. Savage played his part brilliantly too. The heat for everything they did was incredible. Two amazing workers who drew you in to everything they did. Shame I'm so jaded as an adult now as I don't think anything nowadays has come close to the genuine feel of these performances.

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