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IF Daniel Bryan defeats Roman Reigns at Fast Lane, should the WWE just do away with "Winner of the Royal Rumble gets a title shot at Wrestlemania" gig?

Yep said it before.


It's an outdated concept which means we can pretty much predict the winner every year.

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IF Daniel Bryan defeats Roman Reigns at Fast Lane, should the WWE just do away with "Winner of the Royal Rumble gets a title shot at Wrestlemania" gig?

Yep said it before.


It's an outdated concept which means we can pretty much predict the winner every year.

But wasn't a slam dunk this year.


I'd like them to dust off the winner getting the title itself. It did create arguably the best Rumble match ever last time. OK so that happened to be Ric Flair but...

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IF Daniel Bryan defeats Roman Reigns at Fast Lane, should the WWE just do away with "Winner of the Royal Rumble gets a title shot at Wrestlemania" gig?

No. Atrocious idea.It would make the Rumble far less special if it was just a meaningless battle royal, and it'd make WrestleMania less special too.

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It's not so much not getting a title shot, it's not getting the main event, that's what has damaged it a bit, Del Rio and Sheamus both won the Rumble and got a shot at the second rate world title in the opening match, Cena didn't really get a title match when he won the Rumble the first time and even the match he ended up with wasn't the main event


It'll be better now there's only one world title but that knackered a bit of the Rumble prestige up

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Just totted up in my head, the following winners didn't main event Mania (reasons why in brackets)


1995 (Celebrity in main event)

1997 (Storyline)

1999 (Storyline)

2006 (Mickey Mouse World Title)

2007 (Mickey Mouse World Title)

2008 (Had title shot at Feb PPV)

2010 (Mickey Mouse World Title)

2011 (Mickey Mouse World Title)

2012 (Mickey Mouse World Title)


So you can see the Smackdown Shithouse belt didn't really help the 'winner gets the main event at Mania' stipulation

Edited by Dr.PeterVenkman
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They should split the World title again. That way they can just let Daniel Bryan hold the mickey mouse one forever so dem wans stop moaning about everything, then the real blokes they want to push (Reigns, Rollins etc) can fight for the proper belt.


Also, they should stop the Money In The Bank thing, that gimmick is tired and well worn out. Nothing new or interesting they can do with it and it almost hinders storylines and natural growth/progression of performers.

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I like the MITB match and breifcase but I hate the "cash in when you want" aspect. It's been done to death and it just means an endless succession of chickenshit heels. I'd change it to a title shot any time you want but the champion needs a week's notice.


A chickenshit heel can be great fun but it seems everyone who isn't at least 6ft 6" or friends with the devil has to be one. Make a strong heel for a change. Have him be a despicable cunt, sure, but one who can win matches. And you'll be absolutley shocked to find that babyfaces who beat the strong hell will be *gasp* stronger!

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I still would like them to do something with the expiry of the contract for MitB. Either have someone fail to cash in before the deadline, or manage it with seconds to spare. Might create some interesting creative if done properly (although obviously if done badly it makes the holder look a right pillock).

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