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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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Not at all, I'm saying that the way wrestling is currently shot, you can easily see when a hold isn't as tight, and you can hear half the spot calling going on on Raw. Wasn't the case before all the big production upgrades.


Not really. You can still see when work is loose on old tapes.

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As much credit as Jake Roberts gets for psychology, he was useless at it in the WrestleMania 8 match against Undertaker. Doesn't sell Taker getting up from the DDT at all and just walks from spot to spot with nothing registering, like a slow motion version of Naomi from the Funkadactyls. At some points he doesn't even look at Undertaker to see him get up from what should be a match-ending move, he just gets into position straight away for the next move.


Unless his psychology was that he knew going in that Undertaker would get up after everything, but that's shit storytelling.

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Jake was only the master of psychology when he wanted to be, though. There was a chance he knew what he was doing. I remember Foley mentioning how well Triple H sold Cactus Jack coming back and saying if HHH just sniggered, it would make it look like Mankind in a different t-shirt. Maybe Jake knew what he was doing. Especially since he was on the way out.

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Oddly enough, that Triple H/Cactus Jack thing was exactly what I was thinking of when I watched it, because that kind of reaction Triple H did is how I'd imagine you'd sell someone getting up after the DDT in early 1992 if you were on the ball.


I thought Jake must have been shitting the bed on purpose in the WrestleMania match, but it seems like a self-destructive way to undercut your opponent in terms of your own reputation. But I suppose it'd only have been other wrestlers and Meltzer who'd notice, and none of them had any influence on his future paydays anyway. 


Like the old tests of strength, sabotaging a match on purpose to stop your opponent getting over seems like a lost aspect in wrestling now. Hacksaw Jim Duggan rarely had a match where he didn't do it, but you can't imagine Daniel Bryan and Dean Ambrose ever deciding that's what their night will consist of.

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That's probably a mix of having no where else to go and Cena being pretty selfless really. I don't think there's ever been a story of him throwing a strop over losing or taking it on his own to not sell for someone has there? If the top guy is like that then everyone else kinda has to be.

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