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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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2 random thoughts:


1) A catapult looks shit - I've never seen a good one. No idea why people do this move, especially Triple H.

2) It always amuses me in documentaries the way old wrestlers think that the fans believed their stuff was real. e.g "Sure, the fans knew it was fake, but when we went out there, they'd be thinking: 'well, all that other stuff is fake; but this - this is real!'"

Edited by herbie747
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I like that kinda thing anyway. It's nice to have some moves that reveal the campiness of wrestling.

The "resthold"/transitional/bland submission moves are great that. I was in Ireland for that Raw match between Cena and Michaels that's only just finished, and my backwards cousins were pissing themselves laughing at the wristlock selling and reversing. And the way Michaels and Cena get out of wristlocks is nowhere near as camp as the way World of Sport wrestlers, Owen Hart and divas get out of wristlocks, with all the gamboles and jumps.


And even more than the wristlock, drawing strength from the crowd to theatrically elbow your way out of some kind of headlock will never die.

Edited by King Pitcos
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Yeah that's one of the beauties of lucha, the springboard and flips all to get out of a wrist lock or the ridiculous arm drags, lovely.


Obviously you can go too far with it. Like the Japanese head bump trading suplexes thing, I mean proper piss funny and great to imagine with the Benny Hill music over but probably not worth breaking the neck for.

Edited by Vamp
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Does anyone still do the 'rub the eyes across the rope' thing?

Someone has definitely done it recently, and the other guy's head was about a foot away from the rope.



Yeah, I want to say Dean Ambrose, I remember my girlfriend saying 'What the hell was that?' because the move is rarely used now. Brock used to do it all the time in the early part of his first run too.

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