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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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Is Jim Johnston still working there? Most the new themes these days seem to be done by CFO$ and they are nowhere near as good. Johnston's been doing it awhile, wouldn't be surprised if he's retired/doing less. I'd love for him to do some big epic new theme for Reigns.


I don't know what his role is or whether he is still under an official contract, but in March wwe were releasing a DVD relating to entrance music in conjunction with Jim.




I'm really interested in seeing this. I did a lot of research on Jim regarding a business element of my music production degree. For me, he really has been a big inspiration.

Edited by Kaz Hayashi
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I'm currently watching some random MLW event on their YouTube channel and Steve Williams is tagging with... The Sandman. Such a bizarre tag team.


It's been a decent show, if a little samey at the start. The Samoan Island Tribe squashing the crap out of B Boy and Monsta Mack (I think, no idea) has been the highlight. Joey Styles makes a comment during a Sonjay Dutt and Jimmy Yang match that it's nice to see kids with a good understanding of the fundamentals and not just high spots after the ECW inspired crowd complained that the slow start to the match was boring. Go figure.


Edit: Steve Williams really isn't in good shape here. There's a terrible run in when some no name (apparently William's protege who was injured at the hands of the opponents) hits Simon Diamond with a steel chair. The guy came out in a black t-shirt and jeans and could have been anybody. There's some people in the crowd who clearly have no clue who the guy is meant to be. That isn't even the finish. Ah, 2003 indys.

Edited by Vamp
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I bumped into Mark Dallas when I got off the train at Partick Station in Glasgow today. Instead of thinking "oh cool, there's Mark Dallas" I actually tapped him on the shoulder as I walked by and said "Mark Dallas, ICW". He was on the phone at the time, so I feel like a bit of a rude cunt. He said hello to me though. Sorry Mark!

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I remember hearing in a Chris Hero shoot interview that WWE initially wanted Erick Rowan to wear a clown mask. But they thought it wasn't very subtle. Which I get. You get a sense Rowan isn't wearing the sheep face for intimidation tactics. It just happens to be an intimidation tactic. If he wore the clown mask, you would think Erick put way to much thought into it. He's a thicko follower who can lay down some muscle. Wearing something as naturally terrifying as a clown mask would be giving Rowan more credit as a smart arse.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Will be interesting to see how (or if) WWE react if it's discovered Putin was behind that plane being shot down yesterday. US Senator John McCain today said that there would be 'hell to pay' if it was discovered Putin was involved. The weekly Putin mention and Titantron photo on RAW has almost become a regular part of Rusev & Lana's act, helping to get them heat. Will be funny if they have to tone it down - shades of 23 years ago when WWF had to tone down the Sgt Slaughter Iraqi stuff when the Gulf War broke out.

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Aye that was one of my first thoughts when hearing about the plane yesterday (which is awful, really). I don't think we'll see Putin on Raw again. Ukraine is too much of a tinder box at the moment; they'd be in real danger of a Muhammad Hassan-style embarrassment if the situation escalates.

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I laughed in shock at the WWE house show I attended in April when Rusev and Lana's titan tron video played. The laugh was a shock reaction, that I can now probably describe as "I can't believe these nutters are playing with a delicate real life political situation . . . . again".

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I finished the MLW show. The main event was Terry Funk vs Jerry Lawler which sounds really awesome on paper. It wasn't. This might be the worst match these two have ever had. These are two guys that could work a great match just by throwing punches but instead we seem to get half a dozen piledrivers on the wooden floor, Lawler sells this a little bit, Terry doesn't. Simon Diamond gives Lawler some barbwire and he punches Funk. There's some massive clipping going on completely randomly at this point and we go straight to a roll up finish as Styles tells us Terry had tried to change it to a wrestling match. Presumably that was so bad they actually cut it. I'm ridiculously disappointed by all this. I then watched Corino vs Funk in a barbwire match and it's better but ugly as sin. After the match Funk and Steve Williams fall to a massive beat down, The Sandman comes out and considers saving them but then parades through the crowd while his mates continue to get beaten up. Nonsense. Since MLW 2003 has sucked I figure its time for some ROH 2002. The only DVD I have from this period is Road to the Title so yeah. The first thing that hits me is the strange techno music used on the titles and how childish low ki looks in his black gym shorts. In a complete contrast to how I probably originally looked at this show I now think Prince Nana is my favourite wrestler on the card. Jody Fleisch and Jonny Storm have the worst match of their series. It's like one of those Mexican maestro matches where they wrestle constantly and have set sequences to run through at any time (which comes in handy when the planned finish goes awry due to Jody pinning Storm when he's in the ropes), except far leas consistent. Unfortunately their sequences go wrong on the night, and while that's somewhat excusable because of how tricky some of it is, its what happens between the spots that ruins this one. The punches and kicks and basics here are horrendous. I've seen loads of their matches, including once live, and I don't remember it really bothering me before so maybe this was just a one off dismal, or my tastes have changed or its because they got a lot better but this is really disappointing. I kinda wish I hadn't rewatched it. I used to be a big fan of both of them. Doug Williams does have a good first round match though. He's had better so it's fun to see the fans go mental for the little he does here. Lynn and AJ try damn hard to have an epic match but for all their effort it feels like they're just going through the motions of an epic match for some reason. The commentary is dreadful. Everything seems to be a suplex bomb. The difference between this and Kevin Kelly is astounding. Although how they still have Corino announcing shows (I know he didn't for the whole time) is beyond me.

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MLW always booked great sounding matches, but they never, ever came off as being anything more than average. Odd.Did Dan Severn do anything notable in the WWF? Cheers!

Edited by bAzTNM#1
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which sounds really awesome on paper.
Said everyone who ever watched an MLW show. It should have been called Styles Clash Wrestling. And not because they booked AJ, but because they had an amazing roster (by far the best on the indies) and Court Bauer was just mental with what he had. They had Joe, Punk, AJ, Bryan and Daniels. The cream of the indy talent at the time. They had fresh off TV Bam Bam, Raven, Mike Awesome, Vampiro, La Parka and the likes. Then they had legends like Gary Hart, Terry Funk, Jerry Lawler etc. A great mix of top names and hot indy workers and they couldn't get a good card out of them. Amazing really.
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A great mix of top names and hot indy workers and they couldn't get a good card out of them. Amazing really.
I never followed them or anything, but the show they had which aired as a TWC supershow from the Hammerstein ballroom was a lot of fun. It looked cool, had quite a big time feel to it and featured a bit of everything, most of it half-decent (and at that time, even the ridiculous indie 'style' was still a bit of a novelty so was somewhat tolerable). They had a lovely carpet for apron mats too! Edited by Reznor
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