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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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I'd disagree with wrestling to be honest. I think the whole semi real world of it and it's reliance on fan interaction as bread and butter gives it a different thing (how's that for vocab?) in my opinion. It's not as cut and dried as playing Nigel Bates on set and being Paul Bradley at home. The fact he's positioned himself as the leader of his, well not cult, but cult lends itself to him getting mithered by his fans all the time too. It's not even about it being right or wrong, everyone has a right to privacy in my view, but it's just the way it is in wrestling. You want to be top guy, you have to deal with top guy bother. Steal a white man's car and get white man's stick, if you will.


It's certainly a bit rum people turning up at his house though. I'd not stand for that.



Luke From Gilmore Girls image


Hahah, amazing!

Edited by PowerButchi
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I'd disagree with wrestling to be honest. I think the whole semi real world of it and it's reliance on fan interaction as bread and butter gives it a different thing (how's that for vocab?) in my opinion. It's not as cut and dried as playing Nigel Bates on set and being Paul Bradley at home. The fact he's positioned himself as the leader of his, well not cult, but cult lends itself to him getting mithered by his fans all the time too.


I dunno, I think obsessive fans of most things see the people they see on TV in the same way wrestling fans do wrestlers. People feel like they know anyone who's in their living room, and the way a smelly bloke in a replica belt sees Punk is probably no different to how someone's mam considers the bloke who plays Zack Dingle, or how a prick sees a judge from a singing show. In all of those, there's a weird sense of ownership that comes with weekly sightings in their living room, and stories in the press that are mostly bollocks, but make people feel as though they know the private side too, and are their mate, in a way.


Wrestling differs because at the top level, you get the crazy level of fame you would as an athlete or musician, but as independent contractors, they're out there on their own having to deal with it. Punk's TV character definitely didn't help, but I don't think it's a price you should have to pay for being closer to "one of us" in the eyes of the fans than some unapproachable cartoon gimmick.

Edited by Astro Hollywood
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I think the obsessive quota of wrestling fans seems more verbal, out there, and proportionally larger than soaps and things though. OK, I mean you hear stories of when people used to kick off on Gripper Stebson when he was in Woolworths or whatever, but wrestling seems to have a much larger "entitled" fan base. The whole thing is weird anyway. CM Punk seems to not want the world of fame, but then when called normal non-fame name Phil as opposed to the famous CM Punk who he doesn't want to be off TV he throws a Benny. It doesn't compute with me. Back to Zak Dingle, he's not going to see his arse if you acknowledge him as Steve Halliwell. He'd probably prefer it to someone shouting "DINGLE!" at him. It's another example of wrestling being really fucking weird when it comes down to it, and it's own little (probably quite stupid) rules as regards fan interaction and things.

Edited by PowerButchi
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Surely CM Punk's recognisability is minuscule compared to most top liners, past and present.


I saw Ron Dixon outside Anfield once. Always thought he was a Tranmere fan, must have leaked that out to throw Brookside groupies off the scent.

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Wrestling does attract its oddballs for sure, but the subculture of soap fans is as amazing as it is creepy. The studio gates are constantly lined with the same smelly weirdos camped out and wanting pictures with their favourites, or giving them hand-made gifts. Twitter's ace for finding those types; the IWC soap community. What little I've seen of the digitalspy soap board is a pro wrestling forum in all but name.


Mostly I'm just using this sidetrack as a reason to post a picture of the Shane Richiemobile





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Surely CM Punk's recognisability is minuscule compared to most top liners, past and present.


Yeah but the guys like Hogan, Austin and the Rock go and live in massive houses in Florida or Texas to cut themselves off, or go to LA where seeing an action movie star isn't uncommon. CM Punk lives in a busy city and his gimmick of being a man of the people makes him more approachable in their eyes, also his fans are stupid.


edit, that Shane 1 car is hilarious.

Edited by Call me Bellend
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CM Punk's old BITW shirt is the only i've seen in public more than once since seeing a Jerichoholic shirt in Llandudno in 2001, so using that scientific application i'm going to say his visibility in public is vaguely higher than we might suspect

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Yeah, an ex of mine didn't even watch wrestling but she knew who he was and fancied him. Actually she fancied loads of famous people like that. God knows why we went out, thinking about it. I'm very unpunk.

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To add to your conclusive file on the matter, Cannibal Man, I've seen a few blokes wear his famous white t-shirt in nightclubs and bars, which is the only wrestling shirt I've seen in those settings. I drink in dives, mind.

Edited by ColinBollocks
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His annoying hipster looking mate hates the attention that Punk gets so much in his home city that she wrote an article about him in a magazine only published in that same city.


I have limited sympathy for Punk because he helps to cultivate these idiot fans by the things he says on WWE TV, and in interviews and appearances.If he hates things so much he can afford to fuck of to pretty much anywhere else in the world too,at least until his popularity dies down for a bit.


I reckon he secretly likes the attention,and having something to feel superior and moan about to all his super rad pals.

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I sympathise to an extent. I tattooed in a small town for a few years and it's the type of place where everyone knows everyone else anyway. What should be a five minute walk through the town centre would take half an hour due to people stopping me to show me their tattoo, talk about ideas etc. I've been stopped eating many times and a night out there was a lot more hassle than it should have been. Yeah I was making money off them, but I just like my personal space. I imagine it would be a million times worse in Chicargo for Punk. The simple answer is just for him to move away from where he grew up as and all his friends.


I'd like to say if I saw him I'd be respectful and just do a mongy wave and run away giggling, but I'd probably wander over and end up hassling him

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