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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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At least he doesn't have to introduce Edge anymore, the way his voice cracked and went up when he said "superstar" was the worst. "The Rated R S-hooouup-erstar"


I thought that was Chimel?


Probably, I'm not that good with details, it was fucking awful anyway.

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Did Sandow piss someone off? They've stripped away everything interesting about him to the stage where he's now black trunks guy who comes out in his own t-shirt, rarely gets his entrance shown and isn't allowed near a microphone.


He must have upset someone because I don't see any other reason for the way he has fallen.


I was thinking about this during Raw when RVD basically squashed him, I wondered if they were going to do promos in the build up to MITB 2014 having Sandow say about how winning last year ruined his career but this year he'll win it again, then have him win it then win the world title, weird way to get someone over as a world champion but the losing streak has gone on so long I figured its the only way to get him back over


Then I remembered there's only one World title now and there's not a fucking chance he's getting near it

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Justin Roberts is really shit.


Like so shit picking anybody else in the world would be a improvement.


Agree 100%. His voice is so weak and effeminate. I don't know how he got that job. The thing is it's surely not even that hard to find a good ring announcer so why they've got him I've no fucking idea.


Also, I hate Los Matadores. It's not even their gimmick, I got no problem with it...their ring work is so dull. I find it impossible to get into their matches. Also, it doesn't help that they seem to be getting a lot of TV time too.

Edited by LaGoosh
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Fake Razor and Diesel must have been on the agenda for a long time. From May 27th 1996's Wrestling Observer. ECW news section..


On the undercard, Big Titan came out in a total Razor Ramon get-up as Slice & Dice Ramirez with the toothpick and the slicked hair and the Cuban accent.

I always thought it was a panic gimmick that was straddled to somebody.

Edited by bAzTNM#1
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I keep hearing great things about this promo. I don't have the Network, is there a Networkless way of watching it? I tried to find it on YouTube but had no luck, there is only an edited version which is all Seth Rollins.

Edited by deathrey
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So with Bo getting the call up to the main roster, I was thinking; have WWE ever had a real life brother combo on the roster where they don't reference the relationship? I don't see them connecting Bo and Bray and it got me thinking


at risk of sounding stupidly out of the loop, I never knew they were brothers. haha!

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