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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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A suggestion was made elsewhere that Foley is upset that he's pretty much slipped into the Fred Blassie and Arnold Skaaland level legend status from the mid-90s. Like when WWF got Hogan, Piper and Flair back, all the blokes from the "I cheer for them" video were pushed to the back. We are currently in the part timer era. And they now have Austin, Rock, Flair, Hulk, Lesnar, Sting, Piper, Goldberg if the price is right, Warrior, Shawn Michaels, Undertaker, Bruno even. Nash is back doing stuff for the company, Bret Hart is still around, Scott Hall will probably be doing stuff, the Outlaws are always there. If you want a pop or a relevant talking head for the Network, you dont call Foley these days. It says a lot that they didn't run with pen and paper in hand towards him when his contract was up.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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I've never had time for Foley, except for Mind Games in 96.


He has always come across as oh so self indulgent and essentially irritated me. I've never got his act, and never got his behaviour.


Maybe the powers that be have become bored of it too, and he'll piss off from the public space and spend some of the money he's squirreled away for the last 20 years.


Chance would be a fine thing.

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Yeah it's not the best is it. Though I suppose it could be worse...he could still be blogging about whatever Diva he loves from afar this week.

He was still living that gimmick when he went to the wrestling figure warehouse with his kids the other week.


Edited by King Pitcos
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Not sure what to make of some of the claims here from Kamala. Some seem plausible as many have spoken about what a cunt Andre was. The Vince one at the end is pretty damning stuff.



Former WWE Superstar Kamala sat down with the Voice of Choice Bruce Wirt and Nemar Wells in one of the most hard-hitting interviews in the history of the VOC Nation Radio Network. Kamala talked about racism in the WWF, Vince McMahon, his hatred for wrestling, and more.


The entire interview can be heard at this link on the "VOC Nation Wrestling Vault" show.


Here are some highlights of the interview:


Working with Andre the Giant:


"Andre wasn't the friendly guy that he appeared to be. He was real temperamental and had a nasty attitude. When I first started working with him, he called me a (derogatory) name in the ring and I beat him up. After that, I never had another problem with him. A lot of (top guys had problems with Andre too). He would just go out and mop the floor with people. He treated (wrestlers) nasty, and the fans too. Andre would do it just about every night. Guys would watch through the curtain to see what he was going to do."


Working with Hulk Hogan:


"We had a lot of good matches and drew a lot of fans all over. Working with Hogan was easy and a treat. I loved working with him."


Racism in the WWE:


"In Summerslam 92, I had one of my biggest matches against the Undertaker. He made a half million dollars and I made 13 (thousand). There was a lot of racism in the WWE. I remember so many times when I was there, I would get there early and find me a nice dressing room; the agents would (kick me out and) let (the white stars) have the dressing room. When I went out to the ring, I was a superstar; backstage I was a nothing."


The Undertaker:


"I love the Undertaker. If I see him on TV, I'll stop and watch. I love his gimmick, and I like him. He's a respectable man and I got along real good with him, and I love his work."


Retirement and regrets:


"I don't miss it. I wish I had made money where I could have retired and enjoyed life. I worked so hard all those years and didn't make any money. If I had made money, I would have done the right thing and invested it. I don't watch wrestling today. If my friends are watching it, I'll get up and leave. It brings back bad memories."


Vince McMahon:


"Vince McMahon has certain people that he will pay. If you get along with Vince, do him all kind of sexual favors, then you'll get along good with him. But if you just (do your job and) mind your own business, be there on time, then he seems to have less respect for you. There was a lot of men with men in those days and even men with boys. I know a lot of guys that (failed drug tests) and it was documented that they passed, because they were top guys and I know what they did."


Read more at http://www.wrestlinginc.com/wi/news/2014/0...abuse-dominated

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I feel sorry for the guy as it appears he is potless after a couple of runs.


He must have been working full time in his Kamala run for a 20 year period so maybe he should negotiated better fees at the time.


I found it confusing when he said he'll make an effort to watch a Taker match if he sees one is on the telly, yet he won't watch the telly if the wrestling is on in a friends house.

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Speaking of JBL, why does he always make a comment along the lines of 'he's been practicing all day, he'll forget his lines' when Billy Gunn is about to do his part after Road Dogg? Have a missed something?

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Speaking of JBL, why does he always make a comment along the lines of 'he's been practicing all day, he'll forget his lines' when Billy Gunn is about to do his part after Road Dogg? Have a missed something?

It comes from the DX reunion where Gunn and HBK where arguing over who gets do do the least amount of the talking. They've played it up mildly ever since.

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